Daily notes

Your daily notes is your main scratchpad. Every day you get a clean slate. Make it a habit to work here, operating your day. Don’t think about files and folders – just think, type, tag, and trust that your thoughts and tasks are captured.

The today page is your daily scratchpad. Every day you get a clean slate. Make it a habit to work here, operating your day. Don’t think about files and folders – just think, type, tag, and trust that your thoughts and tasks are captured.

Your Today page comes with a supertag out of the box: the #day supertag. It is applied to each day. By default, it is empty, but you can easily customize it by clicking the tag and opening its configuration.

You can add fields to your day if you want to create tables out of it. For example, here you can see how Maggie Appleton does it, where every day has three fields on it: Time Log, What's on your mind?, and Media Inbox

If you have a shared workspace, you can draft notes on your own personal Today page using supertags from the collaborative space. Tana will understand that this belongs in another workspace, so once it is ready to go, you can click the move to button or use the Move to command.

The day page has as much or as little structure as you would like. It can be a blank fresh start you approach with a clear mind, or it can be a structured template for your routines.

Related release notes

  • FixedWe fixed keyboard shortcuts for Open daily node (ctrl+shift+d) and Next/Previous calendar node (ctrl+[/ctrl+]) when on a reference ()

Related FAQs


  • Can I open the day node of another workspace by default?
    Sep 26, 2024

    It is not possible to change which workspace's day node you open by default; it is fixed to your private workspace's day node.

    However, open the sidebar and hold Option (Mac) or Alt (Windows) whilst clicking on a workspace in your sidebar to open its day node for today.

  • How can I setup Unsplash banners on my daily notes?
    Sep 26, 2024

    It is currently possible to plug in your own Unsplash API key which gives you access to their images for the banners of your daily notes page.

    Ambassador Andre shows you how:

    Source: Twitter/X

    PS. This is an experimental feature; it might change in the future.


  • How can I get the Task list on my daily notes (back again)?
    Sep 26, 2024

    You may have seen a Tana setup that had a task list on the daily notes page, or even had one from early prototypes from us, and it somehow disappeared now.

    There is a simple way to get it back.

    Go to any daily note, and make a search that looks for:

    1. all #task nodes
    2. NOT DONE

    Run it to confirm it's fetching the right things.

    Adjust how you want your tasks to look (Set all view options here, like Display, Group, Sort options)

    Confirm changes to the view options and the query. Right-click on the title of the search, and select Move to Related content.

    Here's a video showing the steps above: