Command nodes

Command nodes let you customize a string of actions which you can run via buttons or via the command line.


Command nodes help you get one or more tasks done in Tana. You can create your own command nodes with multiple commands, or steps, within them. For example, build a “Process voice memo” command node that grabs the voice recording, transcribes it, creates and tags tasks and ideas that it finds, and sends it all to your daily notes.

Command nodes can be run via the command line, as buttons on a supertag, or via node events.

Command nodes are easier to understand if you're already comfortable with using the command line and the search query.

For commands that use AI, see here: AI commands


  • There are three essential elements to creating custom commands: the command node that is a container for the command, the commands that represent the actions you want to do, and the parameters that are the settings for the commands
  • To create a custom command node, run Cmd/Ctrl+K > Convert to command node on an empty node.
  • To configure what the command node does, add commands as child nodes to it. To get a list of all available commands you can add, use @.
  • Each command can receive certain parameters (represented as system fields), listed in the description. The ones that are starred are required. Add the necessary parameter fields to the command (hit > to create a field, then the name of the parameter), and fill it with the necessary field value.
  • If there are multiple commands in the command node, they are executed in the order that they're listed from the top.
  • You cannot add the same command twice. To repeat a command, wrap it in another command node and add that to the list.
  • Command nodes appear as buttons attached to nodes, supertag instances, or fields. They also appear in the command line.
  • You can control when/where a command appears by using node filter and node context parameters on the main command node.
  • You can find all commands in your workspaces by writing the keyword operator IS COMMAND in the search node.


Create a command node

To create a command node, on any node go Cmd/Ctrl+K > Convert to command node:

The icon of the node will change. Give the command node a name, which will appear on command buttons, and on the command line.

Set up commands and parameters


To configure the command node, select the commands you want using @. This gives you a filtered list of all available commands, including Tana commands, AI commands and custom commands you've defined previously.

Tana commands include:

  • Set field value tells the system to do the _action_ of setting a field underneath your node—same way we do it ourselves—and then, optionally, filling that field with a specific value.
  • Insert a cloned copy of a node tells the system to do the action of copying another node (that you specify inside the command) and bringing a clone of that node into the context in which you're working.
  • Add tag adds a tag to your node, and Remove tag takes one away.

See All Tana commands for a full list of options.


Each command has a set of parameters you use to configure it. To add a parameter to a command, add any of the listed parameters as a field under the command. Parameters with a star are required.

Using the example of the Move node command, you'll find these settings:

  • Target node: Let's you instruct the action where to send the moved node.
  • Remove reference after moving node: Let's you decide whether you want there to be a reference to your moved node at the current location, or not.
  • Node filter/Node context: These settings are available on all commands and let you specify which nodes will run your command, in various ways.

Using the Move node-command and these settings, you could, for instance, make a command that

  • Sends a node to your team workspace and
  • Removes the reference from your workspace

Combining this with Add tag and Set field values, you could

  1. create a new #project (Add tag)
  2. assign it to your teammate Brage (Set field value)
  3. set status to Active (Set field value) and
  4. send it to your shared workspace Viral Content (Move node)

all with one button click.

Access commands

Commands in the command line

Once you've configured your command node, it will appear in the command line (Cmd/Ctrl+K) as another command you can access alongside the default commands.

Commands as buttons

Once you've configured your command node, you can use it to make buttons appear in any node. With your caret on target node, go to the command line Cmd/Ctrl+K > Configure node to open the node configuration. Add your command node in the Commands field.

You can also add a command node to a supertag or field, see the supertag/field configuration panel > AI and Commands section > Compact/Full menu. Paste in the command you want to use in the compact or full menu field, and the command will appear alongside the tagged node or field.

Command menu buttons

It is now possible to group multiple commands together in a menu button. These can either be shown on collapsed nodes (Compact menu) or only when you expand/zoom into a node (Full menu).

To create command menu buttons;

  1. Go into the AI and Commands section, to Compact/Full menu
  2. In one of the fields, create a node with the menu title
  3. Do Ctrl/Cmd+K > Convert to Group on the node
  4. Indent below the node and paste in the commands you want shown in the menu
  5. For nested menus, make an indented node and convert this to a group, before pasting commands indented under that

Node filter

Using the parameter Node Filter, you can use search query language to control which nodes the command can be run on.

For instance, if you made a command specifically to run on your #standup tag and no other tag or node, you can add this:

>Node filter: #standup

An excluded node will not display the command, neither from the command line nor as a button.

Finding all commands

You can find all commands in your workspaces by creating a search node and using the keyword operator IS COMMAND. Scope it down to a workspace to only find commands from there.

Trigger commands on node events

You can have commands trigger when child nodes are added or removed from any node. For more, see On child added/removed

You can also have commands trigger when a supertag is added or removed from any node. For more, see On added/removed

All Tana commands

Insert a cloned copy of a node

Can be used to emulate template behaviour, add a new time log entry to a time log etc

Insert relative date

System command that inserts a date using the relative date string.

Move node

System command that moves a node

Add tags

System command for adding a tag to a node.

Remove tags

System command for removing a tag from a node.

Set field values

System command for setting field values to a field.

Set field values for all children

System command for setting field values to a field applied to all children. Example: Set all children to "status deployed" for a release process.

Remove fields

Removes the specified field

Set done status

Sets the done status of a node to a particular setting

Set view definition

Takes the same information that is stored as a custom view on a node - can be used to configure which columns are shown, sorting, filtering, grouping etc.

Set view type

Can set node to table, cards, list, tabs, calendar view.

Show alert

Displays a user alert

Ask for user confirmation

Displays a user confirm command, and halts execution if user does not confirm

Run commands in parallel

Takes a list of commands as input, and runs them in parallel (default is sequential)

Run a command line command

Let's you run any command from the command line. Does not work well with multi-stage prompts

Run commands on all children

Let's you run a command on all children.

Run commands on all children currently visible in the view

Let's you run a command on the children based on what currently is in view. It respects the current search query (which may not be saved) and filtering of results.

All AI Commands

For commands that use AI, see here: AI command nodes

All parameters

Node filter

  • Description: Search query to filter nodes that this command can be run on
  • Source: Tana

Node context

  • Description: Node context for commands - defaults to node the command is run on
  • Source: Tana

Field dependencies

  • Description: References to other fields on the same node. If any of these fields are empty, and have AI turned on, then their AI prompts will be run before evaluating this command.
  • Source: Tana

Target node

  • Description: Defines what Tana object to insert the result into. Can be a reference to a template node, or a field reference
  • Source: Tana


  • Description: URL, processed using title expressions
  • Source: Tana

Insert output strategy

  • Description: Default is adding as a child (except in fields, where default is replace)
  • Source: Tana


  • Description: Payload type
  • Source: Tana

API method

  • Description: Defaults to GET
  • Source: Tana

Parse results

  • Description: Defaults to no parsing (raw)
  • Source: Tana

Authorization header

  • Description: For authentication (for example "Bearer ....")
  • Source: Tana


  • Description: API headers, must start with a word and a colon, like "Authorization: ..."
  • Source: Tana

Avoid using proxy

  • Description: For local sites, or where you know there is no CORS issue
  • Source: Tana


  • Description: Define supertags
  • Source: Tana

Metaprompt to enhance prompt with GPT-3

  • Description: n/a
  • Source: Tana

View definition

  • Description: View definition to apply to node
  • Source: Tana

View type

  • Description: Set view type by picking from dropdown.
  • Source: Tana

Fields to set

  • Description: Fields to set, and optionally values
  • Source: Tana


  • Description: Commands to execute
  • Source: Tana

Tag candidates

  • Description: Define supertags that become candidates
  • Source: Tana

Fields to remove

  • Description: Define fields that, if present, will be removed.
  • Source: Tana

Move node target

  • Description: Define node to be moved. Reference to a specific node, field or a dropdown option
  • Source: Tana

Remove reference after moving node

  • Description: Will remove the reference after moving node
  • Source: Tana

Move original node

  • Description: By default, if you run the command on a reference, the reference will be moved. This option can force the original node to be moved.
  • Source: Tana

Done status to set

  • Description: Gives you done state options to set. There are four options to choose from:
    • Node has no checkbox
    • Done
    • Not done
    • Toggle done status
  • Source: Tana

Command to run

  • Description: Write out the commands you want to run.
    • If you're uncertain about how a command is written out, navigate to it through the command line, create a custom shortcut, and go to Settings > Private keyboard shortcuts to the shortcut you just made and expand it. You'll find the command written out in a node.
  • Source: Tana

Look for children in field

  • Description: Looks for children in a specific field, instead of the node. Add reference to field definition.
  • Source: Tana

Relative date string

  • Description: Write out a date string like this week, in two months, etc. Interpreted with prompt expressions.
  • Source: Tana

Reference date

  • Description: Either a date, or use Lookup field to reference a field. If reference date is May 1, and relative date is in two weeks, the output will be May 15th.
  • Source: Tana

Date/time granularity

  • Description: Allows you to specify the granularity of the date object. Use the dropdown to set year, month, week, day, hour, minute, second, or millisecond.
  • Source: Tana

Set only start or end of date

  • Description: Allows you to specify whether you want to set a Start or End date/time.
  • Source: Tana

Related release notes

  • ImprovedCompact/Full menu for commands now available on Configure node ()
  • FixedFixed bug that sometimes led commands with Target node inserting nodes into a live search. Note that if you want multiple nodes to be inserted as children of the target node, you also need to set Insert strategy: as a child. ()
  • NewWe’ve introduced new error messages for our Event system. The Event system is what automatically triggers commands based on actions like "On added/removed" or "On child added/removed." As our command system has become more advanced, it’s easier to create loops or recursive behaviors that may run indefinitely. If one of these behaviors is detected, a fail-safe will trigger, and an error message will appear. To reset the Event system, simply refresh Tana. We’d love to hear from the community about any commands that regularly trigger the fail-safes, especially if you believe your commands are working as intended. Thanks! —@Fei ()
  • FixedFixed commands that wouldn't run when 1. they invoked a command line action that required expanding such as "Move to", and 2. had custom shortcuts mapped to them. ()
  • InfoCommands nested under other commands will no longer be available in command line. If you want it to be available in command line, put the actual command in the graph somewhere, and reference it as a sub-command. ()
  • ImprovedUsers will get a message now when the event system gets disabled with more details and it will tell them they will have to refresh ()
  • NewCompact and full menu available in Supertag configuration under AI & Commands - It let's you build command menus for tagged nodes, similar to command palette but improved: - Command palette has been repurposed to Compact menu - Works like before, shows as buttons primarily in compact/item contexts – lists, cards, etc. - Full menu is an added option to build custom menus in detail contexts - Let's you define specific menus for full/detailed contexts – zoomed in/panel header, in a tab, expanded items, etc. - Use (Convert to group via command line) to group commands into dropdown menus - You can also nest groups for deeper menu structures. ()

Related FAQs


  • Why are my prompt variables not getting replaced with the actual values?
    Nov 26, 2024
  • In the command line, Set [field] -> [value] doesn't show all my fields, why?
    Sep 26, 2024
  • How do I share a supertag from my private workspace to a shared one?
    Sep 26, 2024
  • Can a command move the current node to a field of a new node?
    Sep 26, 2024


  • A keyboard shortcut to invoke a set of commands
    Nov 21, 2024
    🙏 Thanks to Chuck for surfacing this excellent tip for all keyboard users out there doing incremental/bullet journaling and who find that command buttons just aren't their thing! For more stuff like this, join our community to share and learn about all things Tana 🫶


    Use one keyboard shortcut to bring up a very specific set of commands.


    For this example, we're going to build one command that brings up a set of commands for a bullet journaling practice. People who practice bullet journalling (or BuJo) usually decide on a list of keys or "signifiers": bullet symbols that mean different things to the writer. Here's an example of things that might be in this list:

    Example of signifiers: task, note, follow up, event, memory, look up, future log

    In Tana, we can assume each item in the list is a separate supertag.

    Build the command

    1. Decide on a prefix for your commands. In this example, we'll use "Bujo:".
    2. For each of the signifiers
      1. Create a new command called Bujo: [signifier]
      2. Add the command Add tag, and insert the supertag definition to the parameter
    3. Create a keyboard shortcut: Run Create keyboard shortcut in the command line, then record the shortcut you want to use. In this case, we're using Cmd/Ctrl+Shift+P. In the parameter Commands, write the words Bujo:.
    Setup of commands
    Keyboard shortcut with the typed-in prefix BuJo:

    Testing the command

    To test it, use the keyboard shortcut Cmd/Ctrl+Shift+P

    • This will insert the words Bujo: in the command line
    • Type space to bring up all the options

    That's it 🙌

  • Move node to Library when a supertag is used
    Nov 12, 2024
    🙏 Thanks to many community members but especially Ready and Navigator Dee for surfacing this tip in a recent conversation! For more stuff like this, join our community to share and learn about all things Tana 🫶


    To move all nodes to a single place when they get tagged. This is useful if you want nodes of a certain type to live in a place that makes sense for breadcrumb navigation.


    For this example, we're going to build a command that moves all tagged nodes to the Library.

    Build the command

    1. Create a new command called Move to Library
      1. Add the command Move node
      2. In the parameter Move node target, pick the Library from the dropdown. There are other locations to choose from as well, and you can insert a reference to any node you want as the target
      3. Add parameter Remove references after moving node and give it your desired setting. Most would want it unchecked so it leaves a reference of the node in the original location
      4. Add parameter Move original node and check it. This ensures that even when you use the Add tag action on a reference, it moves the original node to the desired location and not the reference (which won't achieve the goal of this command)
    2. Add the command to the config of the supertag in question. Go to AI and Commands > On added, and add a reference to the command here.

    Testing the command

    To test it, use the supertag on a node:

    • If used on a node, it should immediately send the original to the specified location and leave a reference behind.
    • If used on a reference, it should send the original - wherever it is - to the specified location.

    That's it 🙌

  • Receive a notification whenever someone uses a supertag
    Nov 12, 2024


    Community member Jérémie asked: "I created a new supertag called #feedback to collect feedback from my team. They can easily add a comment and add the supertag. Is there a way to receive a notification when the tag has been added?"

    Great question! Below was the solution that worked 👇 For more stuff like this, join our community to share and learn about all things Tana 🫶


    Build the command

    1. Create a new command called Notify me
      1. Add the command Run a command line command
      2. In the parameter Commands, write Notify @[your tana account email]. Example: Notify
    2. Go to the supertag config you want to be notified on, to the section Trigger commands on events, and add a reference to the command to the On added section:


    Test the command by adding the supertag. You should

    1. get a notification that a notification has been sent, and
    2. see a blue dot appear in your notifications. Clicking it shows you which node you were notified on.

    🙌 That's it!

  • A single command that toggles the checked/unchecked state of a field
    Nov 12, 2024
    🙏 Credit goes to Ulises RJ and Navigator Theo for coming up with this elegant solution! Join our community to share and learn about all things Tana 🫶


    You want to build one command that toggles the state of something, like a checkbox. The key that unlocks this is the obscure Run commands in parallel command, and this is an excellent use for it. The uses for a toggle are endless; this example will demonstrate how to build a visibility switch for command buttons.

    Let's call it the single-command toggle.

    Note: This is more like a proto-command, something that isn't useful on its own, but unlocks many creative uses.


    In the schema

    1. Create a checkbox field called is visible.
      1. In the Hide field setting, choose Always
    2. Create a command node for checking the is visible field:
      1. Name: visibility ON
      2. Add node filter: >NOT:: >is visible:: true (checked)
      3. Add command Set field values
      4. In parameter Fields to set: >is visible:: true (checked)
    3. Make another command node that removes the field:
      1. Name: visibility OFF
      2. Add node filter: >is visible:: true (checked)
      3. Add command Remove fields
      4. In parameter Fields to remove: is visible (field definition)
    4. Create a third command node for toggling between the two commands:
      1. Name: Toggle visibility
      2. Add command Run commands in parallel
      3. In the parameter Commands to run, add references to the two commands you created earlier
    5. Test the command out:
      1. On any node, run the command Toggle visibility. It should add the is visible field to it, checked. Running it again should remove the field.
    Setup for the commands

    The commands are now ready to go.

    Configure visibility of command buttons

    To configure the commands you want to toggle the visibility on, each command will need a node filter where the checked state of the is visible field determines whether they show up or not:

    • Create or find a node that has many command buttons you want to hide
    • For every command, add the >Node filter:: >is visible:: true (checked)
    • As you do this, the buttons should, one by one, disappear from the node.
    A node filter applied to the command button


    Test the command again by running the Toggle visibility command on the node. It should make the buttons appear/disappear.

    🙌 That's it!

    Further ideas

    • Bind a custom keyboard shortcut to Toggle visibility so you can easily toggle the visibility of buttons with the same keystrokes. See video above.
    • Add the toggle command as a button: then you can toggle things with a mouse-click instead
    • Use the same thing to toggle the visibility of related content sections
  • How does the "Set view definition" command work?
    Sep 26, 2024

    There is a command called Set view definition. It can set the Group, Sort and Display settings of a node view.

    There is no good UX for this at the moment, so the instructions are not conventional nor friendly for beginners. But right now, this is one way of doing it:

    • Mock up a node that will have sample child nodes representing the data you'll be applying this command on
    • Then, create the exact view settings you want with Group, Sort and Display.
    • Go Cmd/Ctrl+K > Debug Node on the parent node and look at Views for node:
    • Clone the fields over to the command node so it looks like this:

    When you run this command on a node, this should change the view settings according to your configuration.

  • How can I extract the start date of a range using Commands?
    Sep 26, 2024

    Use Insert relative date command, here's an example:

  • How do I use the Autofill command to enrich URL nodes?
    Sep 26, 2024

    The Autofill command can generate a new node title and description based on the URL.

    To set up the command

    • Create a new command node
    • Add the Autofill fields command
    • Add and check off Autofill title and Autofill description parameters to change both
    • Add Model to use to control which model you prefer. If left empty, Tana will pick the one that returns the answer with best quality and consistency

    To run the command

    • Run the command on a URL node using the command line
    • Put this command node in the Commands section of a supertag you use for URLs. Press the button to run the command.
  • How can I add supertags on things that I send from Tana Capture?
    Sep 26, 2024

    While it isn't possible to tag things when you're sending things from Tana Capture, you can have Tana do some post-processing magic to convert written-out tags to real tags once they arrive the Inbox—no AI needed!

    1. This method uses a simple Tana Paste command that you can run on the Inbox node, which targets all new children that have "#" in them.
    2. Once you've created the command, you must add it to the On child added section of the Inbox node. You can find it by running the command Debug node on the title of the Inbox.

    Here's Theo describing the command:

    "All it does is paste the nodes that have # in them and that are not tagged, using Tana Paste.

    Say we add this through Tana Capture:

    buy milk #todo

    The command will paste that exact text back in with Tana Paste, where ${name} is buy milk #todo and ${sys:content} are any child notes that are present. Using Tana Paste, #todo will be added as a tag.

    Note: this creates a new node, so the created date will change, meaning you’ll lose the time that the node was captured through Tana Capture."