- Where do deleted/trashed nodes go? Does the trash get emptied?Sep 26, 2024
- What are field definitions and how do I find them?Sep 26, 2024
Tana has many different types of nodes, and icons to reflect what these types are. Below is a list of all the different types you may encounter.
Plain nodes show up as dark grey, solid dots.
Plain nodes with content show up with a lighter halo around them.
Related doc: Nodes and References
References show up with dashed outlines.
You can also have an inline reference or a link to a node, signified by the grey background.
Related doc: Nodes and References
Search nodes show up with a magnifying glass in the node.
Related doc: Search nodes
Nodes with contextual content show up as diamond shaped.
Related doc: Nodes and References
Supertag definitions show up as a hashtag inside a circle.
Related doc: Supertags
Many field definitions show up as a square icon with the various symbols signifying different field types. Others have just the symbol of their types with no framing square.
Related doc: Fields
Fields show up similarly as field definitions, but with an empty node as placeholder for entering a value.
Related doc: Fields
A command node shows up as a typical command line symbol >_
, and inside a dashed circle as a reference.
Related doc: Command nodes, AI command nodes
A URL node shows up with an external link icon.
A code node shows up as two angled brackets.
A workspace node shows up with a rainbow halo.
Related doc: Workspaces
A node with an audio file looks like a regular node with a play button next to it. Expand it, and you will see more controls for playback.
Related doc: Voice memo
A node with a video file looks like a regular node with content that auto-expands to show the video with playback controls.
A node with an image looks like a regular node with content that auto-expands to show the image.
A node with a link to Youtube looks like a URL node. It will auto-embed to show the video with playback controls. You can undo the embed by hitting the X in the top-right corner.
A node with a link to Vimeo looks like a URL node. It will auto-embed to show the video with playback controls. You can undo the embed by hitting the X in the top-right corner.
A node with a link to Spotify looks like a URL node. It will auto-embed to show the playlist or album with playback controls. You can undo the embed by hitting the X in the top-right corner.
A node with a link to a Figma file. It will auto-embed to show a screenshot of the most recent view of the file. You can undo the embed by hitting the X in the top-right corner.
A node with a đźš« bullet. Hover over the node to get more information.
Deprecated: Unknown (or no access) node. Showed a dashed box node with a no access sign. Means that the source that used to be referenced is unable to load / no longer accessible.
A dashed circle with no bullet, and the words "(alias)" at the end. This is a reference with no available content except the name, due to access restrictions.
A saved layout shows up with a bento box icon.
In Settings > Private keyboard shortcuts, custom shortcuts show up with the command (for Mac) / place of interest / Bowen knot symbol.
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While there isn't a search operator to target URL nodes, they all use a system-defined node to store the URL. You can grab the field definition for it in one of the URLs. and it will retrieve all nodes that use this field, which will be mostly URL nodes.
Note that the pasting of the URL search
node into the search is to limit the search to only children within that node.