
Navigation in Tana


Our keyboard shortcuts will make you fly through your workday at max speed. And - if you want, you can make your own custom keyboard shortcuts.

Common shortcuts

Quick addCmd+ECtrl+E
Create checkboxCmd+EnterCtrl+Enter
Indent / Outdent Tab / Shift+TabTab / Shift+Tab
Expand / Collapse Cmd+↓ / Cmd+↑Ctrl+→ / Ctrl+←
Zoom in / Zoom out Cmd+. / Cmd+,Alt+→ / Alt+←
Move node up/down Cmd+Shift+↑ / Cmd+Shift+↓Ctrl+Shift+↑ Ctrl+Shift+↓
Jump to search Cmd+SCtrl+S
Open node in panel Cmd+Shift+MCtrl+M

Custom keyboard shortcuts

You can define custom shortcuts for any command in the command line, all the way down to setting specific tags or field values. To trigger shortcut recording, open the command line, find the command you want to set a shortcut for, and hit Cmd/Ctrl+Shift+K. This opens a popup where you can input a new shortcut. All shortcuts are saved in your Settings > Preferences > Private keyboard shortcuts, with the bottom ones being most recent.

Also see How can I add/remove custom keyboard shortcuts?


Docks in Tana are a simple, flexible way to manage many open panels.

So, what is a dock?

Docks are like drawers 🗄. You can pop open a dock that can be easily pulled in and out, just like a drawer. There is a dock to the right, and to the top of the main window. Multiple panels can fit in a dock, and panels can move between docks, or even get sent back to the main window again.

How to use Docks

From anywhere in Tana:

  • To open a node in the Right Dock: Cmd/Ctrl+click on node bullet
  • To open a node in the Top Dock: Shift+click on node bullet

Multiple panels can exist within a dock, and every open panel is scrollable on its own.

When there's already a panel in the dock:

  • Cmd/Ctrl+click will open the clicked node to the right of the panel you were active in
  • Shift+click will open the clicked node directly above the bottom panel of the Top Dock

When caret is in the Main area:

  • Command > Dock node on ->
    • Right
    • Top

When caret is in a docked panel:

  • Command > Dock panel on top (for panels in the Right Dock)
  • Command > Dock panel on right (for panels in the Top Dock)

In any docked panel (this is not a new command, but is very relevant for this feature):

  • Command > Close this panel

Tip: Define your own shortcuts for the commands above to gain ninja panel management powers


Panels are able to scroll independently from one another.

Panels have a "sticky" panel toolbar that stays visible at the top when you start scrolling

Buttons on the right side of the panel toolbar provide docking functionality

  • Dock to Top/Right
  • Only show this panel
  • Close this panel

Panels have different top-right options, depending on where it is:

Limitations and known bugs with Docks and Panels:

  • Similar to how you cannot have reference to a node at the same level that it exists, you cannot have the same node opened in multiple panels.
  • Saved layouts don't work with Docks
  • Scroll state resets on all panels when a sidebar item is clicked, replacing the panel in the Main area
  • Button on panel toolbar "Move panel to the top dock" docks panel to the right side of the top panel, splitting it in two

Related release notes

  • ImprovedRe-ordered instance supertag context menu. Now we show 1. Instance options, 2. Navigation targets 3. Tag options ()
  • FixedFixed bug where right-clicking on bullet in column header in table did not show context menu ()
  • FixedRe-introduced: Right click when node options context menu is already open opens the native context menu. Now we can fix our spellng errors again! ()
  • FixedWe fixed keyboard shortcuts for Open daily node (ctrl+shift+d) and Next/Previous calendar node (ctrl+[/ctrl+]) when on a reference ()

Related FAQs

  • Where can I find the most common keyboard shortcuts in Tana?
    Sep 26, 2024

    Open the side panel to see the most common keyboard shortcuts from ths sidebar:

  • How can I add/remove custom keyboard shortcuts?
    Sep 26, 2024

    From our docs:

    You can define custom shortcuts for any command in the command line (Cmd/Ctrl+K), all the way down to setting specific tags or field values.

    To trigger shortcut recording, open the command line, find the command you want to set a shortcut for, and hit Cmd/Ctrl+Shift+K.

    To remove or rerecord custom keyboard shortcuts, go to Settings in the Home node or Cmd/Ctrl+K > Open Settings, and look under "Private keyboard shortcuts" for a list of all custom shortcuts you've set.