Tana mobile

Tana on Mobile lets you quickly capture thoughts, ideas and notes, and access your notes on the go. Turn voice memos into structured content with powerful Supertag workflows.


Tana mobile screenshots on the App Store

Tana mobile allows you to capture your thoughts to the graph, and—for the first time ever—view all your information from the app. Editing content is coming soon (enable Early Access in the iOS app to test it).

Download Tana Mobile on iOS

Download Tana Mobile on Android


  • Tana mobile has five main tabs:
    • Browse: Shortcuts to your home node, your most current daily notes, and your pinned nodes.
    • Supertags: Access all your supertags in Tana.
    • Capture: Quick capture to Tana in different formats: Write, Voice, Camera, Media and Files.
    • Search: Rapidly find any node in Tana, across all workspaces.
    • Manage: See account info and settings
  • Navigating nodes: Tap on any node to navigate to that node. Long-press for all options.
  • Capture on node: As you're browsing Tana, capture a thought under any node using the blue ⊕ on the bottom right, or long-press on any tile.



Access common places in your Tana.

Browse tab
  1. Home: Takes you to the home node of your workspace
  2. Today: Takes you to your current day page
  3. Pinned: Shows you any node you've pinned. These usually appear in the sidebar.

On browsing nodes: See below


Access all your supertags in Tana

Supertag tab
  1. Filter: Find the tag you're looking for with the filter
  2. Pinned: Pinned tags are up top
  3. Tiles: Tap on the tiles to go to the supertag page
  4. Voice: Tap on the voice icon to record a memo using this supertag


Menu for capturing content to Tana

Capture tab


Select Today, Inbox, or Pinned nodes as the destination

  • Choose between Today and Inbox as the default destination by long-pressing on "Inbox"


Choose the supertag you want to add to your captured content

For voice memos only (paid plans):

  • Auto-fill fields
    • If you select a supertag with fields, Tana will auto-fill the fields based on what you capture
  • Language Auto-Detection
    • Automatically detects transcription language.
    • Manually select language if auto-detection is inaccurate.
  • Control Buttons
    • Cancel: Left button discards the memo.
    • Send: Blue button sends memo to Tana.
    • Pause/Resume: Right button pauses/resumes recording.

Read more about how to use mobile voice memos to get content structured.

Capture voice

Search for any node in your Tana

  • Tap the search result to look at it
  • See recent searches


Your account info, light/dark mode and more.

Your account options

Tap on your email to see the following:

  • Subscription: Shows you which plan you are subscribed to.
  • Sign out: Logs you out of Tana mobile
  • Delete account: This deletes your account and all your data. You will not be able to log into Tana again, nor create a new account again.


Select Light mode, Dark mode, or sync to System

Sync history

A history of all captured content from the app and from elsewhere


The version of the app you have installed

Browsing the graph


Tap on the node to open it

Tap the > to the right to expand/collapse the node

Node view

When you navigate to a node, it will look like this:

  1. Go back: navigate to the previous view
  2. Breadcrumbs: navigate to a higher part of the tree
  3. Ellipsis menu:
    1. Copy link copies the URL to that node
    2. Pin adds node to pinned list
  4. Edit: Available as an Early Access feature in iOS version 1.4.3.
    1. Go to the "Manage" tab and toggle the Early Access option on to use it
  5. Node header with title, banner and tags (if applicable)
  6. Node contents
  7. Capture button


Tap the symbol to the right of the field to add content to the field

Search nodes

  • Refresh: Reload results from the server.
  • View options: Not available yet. We are still working on bringing all the view settings to mobile.

Grab a link: Copy a link to any node via long-tap menu, or ellipsis.

Clicking a link: When you're on mobile, tapping a link to a Tana node will open the node in the mobile app

Sign in/out

To sign out, go to Manage > You (your email) > Log out

Once signed out, the screen will ask to sign in to Tana mobile using your existing Tana account.

Related release notes

  • ImprovedTana (iOS) Version 1.4.2 is now available in App Store! It’s been a while since the last update, and that’s because we have been working on several bigger changes: - New audio recorder UI We’ve polished the recording UI to make it easier to see long list of fields App will now default to system language of device on first time use (but we still remember your most recent language setting) There's a new one-click for voice memo button on tags the Supertags tab - New Capture confirmation cards and sync history When capturing things you’ll now see a card with the status of the capture Swipe left to dismiss (it will still be available in the History view) Tap card to open node ... Menu for more options (Go to destination, Go to tag) History moved back to Capture tab - Performance and loading improvements We’re making constant changes to content loading time. ()
  • FixedPinning nodes on mobile should now put them at the top of the list, like they do when you pin on desktop. ()