Release notes

2024 / wk 27-28 / v. 325-328

  • improvedDefault translation language setting now also applies to meeting agent transcription. (Meeting agent)
  • improvedInsert relative date now supports system date fields in the prompt, such as ${sys:dateFromDayNode} (Commands, Nodes and references)
  • improvedSlash in the beginning of node filter no longer triggers the slash menu (making it easier to enter a regular expression) (Commands)
  • improvedAny fields inserted from command nodes, which are optional fields, will now be inserted at top of the node. (Fields, Commands)
  • improvedMoved "Create a supertag based on table" button to the view options menu (Supertags, Views)
  • improvedWe improved the quality of matches you get when you at-mention dates with weekdays (monday, next monday, etc). (Dates and calendar nodes)
  • improvedIt's now possible to change between annual and monthly subscriptions in "Manage your account". If not on trial, changes kick in at the end of the current billing period. (Account settings)
  • improvedIn "Manage your account", we now show the monthly reset date for AI credits, and dates now show actual dates, not relative dates. (Tana AI, Account settings)
  • fixedFixed issue with dates being buried in at-mentions. They now appear first when you type "Today", as they should. (Nodes and references, Dates and calendar nodes)
  • fixedImproved linking of found items in voice memo. (Voice memo)
  • fixedMake API Request now respects the Parse result: raw parameter, even when there is a prompt set. (Input API)
  • fixedSelecting a date and typing @ will now bring up the autocompleter to find that date (this used to work, but broke) (Dates and calendar nodes)
  • fixedFixed BC dates in Tana Paste (note that they follow the ISO pattern, so they are actually one off - ie. 1 BC is year 0, [[date:-0001]] is 2 BC etc. (Tana paste, Dates and calendar nodes)
  • fixedWe now show AD on dates before year 0 more consistently (Dates and calendar nodes)
  • fixedIn AI chat, fixed issue where a node title ending in an emoji would sometimes only show the emoji (Ai chat)
  • fixedAI Chats should now be titled in the language of the chat (Ai chat)
  • fixedFixed bug where nodes in list view no longer showed display fields (Views)
  • fixedFixed bug with pasting an inline node that had a tag defined, it would create an alias including the text of the tag (ie. pasting "Today I had a meeting with [[Joe #customer]]" (Tana paste)

2024 / wk 25-26 / v. 319-324

  • newLaunched new back-end infrastructure 🚀 This work reduces reliance on Firebase, the main service that stores all Tana data. This major upgrade brings a host of improvements that unlocks future features such as mobile, better search, improved performance on large workspaces, greater API possibilities, and more. See the #announcement channel in Slack for more.
  • newAll-new voice memos for Tana Core subscribers 🎙️ To install it, look for the blue banner on the bottom of the sidebar, or check the (?) icon and find the voice memo button in the help menu pop-up. (Voice memo)
  • improvedIf you create a search under a tagged node, you can now right-click it and in the node editor bar, promote it to related content or to the supertag template. This gives you an easy way to customize the view of the node exactly the way you want, and means we can finally deprecate the use of this FAQ: Shoutout to Navigator Darren for providing the stopgap measure! (Supertags, Search nodes, Nodes and references)
  • improvedAdded support for search query FOR RELATIVE DATE THIS/NEXT/LAST YEAR (Search nodes, Dates and calendar nodes)
  • improvedYou can now paste Tana links (the URL to a node that looks like "") in Tana and it automatically inputs the node as a reference (rather than pasting the URL) (Nodes and references)
  • improvedSelecting multiple nodes and starting an AI chat will now include all the selected nodes as context (Tana AI)
  • improvedAutofill should be better about using the same language as the user (Tana AI)
  • improvedWe only trigger sync to external calendar once every ten minutes or if you navigate to a day node in another week. Previously we synced a week's worth of events every time you went to a new daily node. (Calendar integration)
  • improvedIn the reference section, we now show the most recent references first. (Nodes and references)
  • infoUnlinked mentions have been deprecated - for now. We know this is a useful feature but we have to build it the Tana way and with this feature we haven't put the love in to make it great. For example, nodes called "Notes" would match with thousands of other non-relevant hits in the graph, which slows down performance and isn't particularly useful. Our goal is to bring it back much improved in the future! (Nodes and references)
  • fixedFixed bug with creating a new node in a search that uses DATE OVERLAPS. Now it will initialize new nodes with the correct date. (Search nodes)
  • fixedFixed bug where hard deleting a search that was a reference in related content would lead to deleting the original node (Related content, Search nodes)
  • fixedFixed bug with Chinese input right before or after a node reference (Nodes and references)
  • fixedFixed bug where prompt field in prompt workbench would sometimes be gone. Added a switch to turn on custom prompt from within prompt workbench. (Tana AI, AI for builders)
  • fixedNew audio captured in Chrome and Desktop App should now play in Safari. (Voice memo)
  • fixedGoogle Calendar sync will now only look for calendar events in workspaces that are set up to "Allow content from" for the root workspace (ie. nodes that would show up in a search node in your home workspace). (Calendar integration)
  • fixedRemoved context menu for external (not available) nodes to avoid confusion. (Nodes and references)
  • fixedFixed a bug where missing contextual data in rare cases would prevent a node from being displayed. (Nodes and references)
  • fixedFixed issue where on a node with two fields with the same field definition, sometimes the second field would be preferred for search or done state mapping. We now always look at the first field. (Fields, Search nodes)
  • fixedFixed bug where hidden fields did not show when they were AI processing. (Fields, Tana AI)
  • fixedFixed bug where we showed a popup for an AI key when you created a new tag in Tana Free (Plans, Tana AI)
  • fixedFixed bug where whole-day events would sometimes display as lasting two days in calendar view (Dates and calendar nodes)
  • fixedSquashed several rendering performance improvements (we know there are more, so if you're able to catch them on a screen recording and are able to reliably reproduce them, we are very interested to hear from you!)
  • fixedFixed bug where pure dates (with no time) in shared workspaces would also change depending on time zone. (Dates and calendar nodes, Workspaces)
  • fixedFixed issue where you could not start an AI chat at the workspace root (Tana AI)
  • fixed"Date fields to use" in calendar view within related content was not picking up user date fields. Now it is. (Related content, Views)
  • infoWe now show a warning banner if you use a reference to a live search in the related content config, and that search node includes PARENT and GRANDPARENT (Related content)
  • infoThe command line "Publish workspace" is now "Share workspace "name" as read only", to avoid confusion with Tana Publish. (Workspaces, Command line)

2024 / wk 22-24 / v. 310-318

  • fixedFixed bug related to using PARENT+/-number in the "Date from calendar node" system field in searches, and also enabled Date from calendar node to work with a date range. (Search nodes)
  • fixedWe no longer open calendar picker when you click in a calendar field in the query builder, to make it easier to type PARENT etc. You can still click the calendar icon or press space to pop up the picker. We also no longer show the yellow validation warning for "wrong" field values in the query builder. (Search nodes)
  • fixedFixed bug where search nodes with PARENT/GRANDPARENT expressions with trailing spaces showed incorrect "Missing field" even though search actually ran correctly. (Search nodes)
  • fixedFixed bug which would sometimes cause a panel crash related to search and filter config (Panels)
  • newReleased general AI chat (available from sidebar) 🤖 (Tana AI, Ai chat)
  • newReleased AI chat in context (press space on any empty node, or click the ✨ icon top right of any panel to chat with your knowledge.) (Ai chat, Tana AI)
  • newReleased audio-powered fields and tags 🗣️ (Nodes and references)
  • improvedReleased password-protected Tana Publish pages 🔐 (Tana publish)
  • newReleased related content (Nodes and references)
  • newReleased Google Calendar integration 📆 (Calendar integration)
  • newReleased Tana meeting agent 📝🤖 (Meeting agent)
  • infoIntroducing Tana Core - our first paid plan and the start of Tana beta 🎉 (Plans)

2024 / wk 19-21 / v. 301-309

  • newNew search operator DATE OVERLAPS, will match any date or date range that overlaps/intersects with the mentioned date. For example searching for March 3rd 2024 will match March 3rd at 10AM (more specific) just like a normal date search, but also March 3rd-March 4th, March 2nd-March 4th, March 2024, 2024, etc. How to use: DATE OVERLAPS:: YourDateField:: dateValueToOverlapWith (Search nodes)
  • improvedGPT-4o has been added to list of models (Tana AI, AI for builders)
  • improvedYou can now Ctrl/Cmd+click on tabs/side menu items to open in new panel (Views)
  • improvedWe are continuously improving on the scroll positioning in Tana: We now restore scroll position when navigating back (Navigation)
  • improvedWe now include the default transcription language in the generate field suggestions prompt (AI for builders)
  • improvedNew nodes created in a search that has a CHILD OF pointing to a field definition, will now be created in that field on the node the search is under. (Search nodes)
  • fixedIt's now possible to copy a reference when the focus is on the checkbox (Nodes and references)
  • fixedIssue with reordering cards in Cards view is now fixed (Views)
  • fixedFixed bug related to creating new nodes in searches with system fields like Date/Due date: we now fill in the correct value (Dates and calendar nodes, Search nodes)
  • fixedTo whom this may concern: A search node for a field value will now match values on that field on the metanode, even if the field also exists on the node itself.
  • fixedFixed issue with context menu sometimes opening empty (Navigation)
  • fixedFixed regression where the browser menu would sometimes pop up instead of Tana's context menu (Navigation)
  • fixedFixed broken Figma embeds (Node types)

2024 / wk 17-18 / v.298-300

  • improvedWHAT HAPPENED? -> We are now showing more details whenever a command node fails to run. (Commands)
  • fixedWe fixed a bug where times in calendar would show an extra minute (like 12:30-13:01) (Dates and calendar nodes)
  • fixedWe fixed a bug where the query builder under a heading would look strange. (Search nodes, Nodes and references)
  • fixedWe fixed a bug where clicking to move a node in Finder while holding 'Alt' would not leave a reference. (Nodes and references)
  • fixedWe fixed a bug where calendar events created in one time zone would not take into account other users' time zone when displaying. (Dates and calendar nodes)
  • fixedWe fixed a bug where clicking on ... in the breadcrumbs in a search would open the node instead of expanding the breadcrumb (Nodes and references)
  • fixedWe fixed some issues with Chinese editing (Nodes and references)
  • improvedOpening nodes like Schema and Settings from workspace options now respect modifiers to open in new panel. (E.g. holding cmd while clicking) (Nodes and references)
  • improvedWe have unified tabs view and side menu view to look more similar! - We added background to all tabs and side menu items - There is a new look for active state - We chose a smaller font size to give more room for content (Views)
  • fixedDropdown menu for fields now has max height, to always fit with the screen! (Fields)
  • improvedWe've made a change to selecting nodes and executing commands using keyboard only: We will no longer show node toolbar until the mouse has been moved. This now works similar to text selection toolbar to reduce visual distraction using keyboard only. (Mouse-interaction, Nodes and references)
  • improvedWe improved legibility of heading hierarchy on the web client: - Slightly smaller sizes - Bolder top level heading - Looks nice (Nodes and references)
  • fixedWe fixed an issue with command nodes that may contain commands that live external to the current workspace. (Commands)

2024 / wk 16 / v.296-297

  • fixedInline refs inside of references (nodes that live elsewhere), were rendered without color. Now, however... 🌈🏳️‍🌈🖍️🎨 (Nodes and references)
  • fixedCreating a node inside live searches was some times difficult (the darn things locked up after the first letter you typed. ) Now however... ⌨️ 🔡 (Search nodes)
  • improvedWe updated to the latest GPT 4 model. (AI for builders)
  • fixedWe fixed some bugs for live searches. The button sometimes said "Close query editor" even if query editor was not open. Now, however... case closed. (Search nodes)
  • fixedWe are reversing a change where shift+enter in a field value would move below the entire field. Now, it lets you insert a node straight below the current one. (Fields)
  • newYou can now (optionally) select a “base” type for your supertags. This allows you to specify broadly speaking what kind of tag something is. E.g. if you have tags ‘bug fix’ and ‘home improvement’ they could both be classified as type ‘Task’ if you feel they are things that “should be done”. We’ve added a number of categories to start with. (Supertags)
  • improvedWe should now be better at restoring scroll position when navigating between nodes (Nodes and references)
  • improvedWe added playback speed config to the audio player. You can now listen to yourself twice as fast. ⏩ (Nodes and references)
  • improvedUsing a '#' in a search will now strictly filter on matching tags if they exist so '#fruit du' should only find nodes tagged with fruit that has a word starting with 'du' in it. Search ranking has also been improved some, it will now only do a fuzzy search if there aren't enough 'strict' matches. (Nodes and references)
  • fixedWe fixed a bug where Previous/Next on calendar nodes always took you to a day node (even if you were on a week/month/year node) (Dates and calendar nodes)

2024 / wk 15 / v.295

  • improvedAfter a lot of community feedback regarding recent changes we made to field availability in autocompleter based on where they lived, now letting you also retrieve fields that are owned by other supertag templates in field auto-completer (Fields, Supertags)
  • infoFor a smoother navigation experience, we've now made inline references more akin to the way traditional links work. They now show up in blue, and clicking on an inline ref will now open it directly. Right-clicking the inline ref will show the context menu or toolbar, depending on whether the context is a node or a reference. (Nodes and references, Navigation)
  • fixedFixed bug where you could not move cursor past a date field (Navigation)
  • fixedTag filtering search now respects "Allow from" (Supertags)

2024 / wk 14 / v.293-294

  • improvedWe now pass on quota errors from OpenAI API accounts to users who are using their own key, in an effort to try to be a smidge more helpful than "not helpful at all" (AI for builders)
  • improvedWe got keyboard shortcut for "Create new" - Alt+n for Windows/Linux, Ctrl+n for Mac! (Also: Reminder that you can open the Create new panel in the right or top dock by holding Cmd/Ctrl (right) or Shift (top) when you click on the button.) (Nodes and references)
  • improvedAnd, we got a "Create new in..." command line, including the option to create directly on daily page in other workspaces. (Nodes and references)
  • improvedYou can now close all message/error Toasts by holding down Shift or Alt when clicking the 'x' close button (and be sure to yell "you're all toast!" while you're at it for extra effect) (Account settings)
  • improvedLINKS_TO search expression clause should now work on calendar nodes by treating it as a date. Talk about being friend-zoned... (Search nodes, Dates and calendar nodes)
  • fixedWe fixed the 404 error page for Publish pages (which, ironically, you won't ever see unless something is broken) (Tana publish)
  • fixedThe keyboard cursor was 'lost' sometimes after clicking the 'search dot' to close the search explanation popover. We put plenty of wayfinding now to prevent this from happening in the future. (Search nodes)
  • fixedBrought back the 'Display' option on Table view (we were wondering when someone was going to notice that it was gone!) (Views)
  • fixedSome unlinked references no longer showed up in reference section due to personal apostrophic reasons, but we managed to convince them to come back so hooray! (Nodes and references)
  • fixedPasting a bulleted list from Google Docs removed all formatting, but now works again. Things really fell flat on this one. (Nodes and references)
  • fixedWe changed something, then some users said using Tab for inserting dates doesn't work anymore, so using Tab to insert your @-mention selection works (again?). Now, the question is: who picks up the Tab on the second date? (Dates and calendar nodes, Nodes and references)
  • fixedFixed bug where fields from the tag you are configuring did not show up when configuring Done state mapping. We do not like no-shows. (Supertags)
  • infoFor historical reasons, specifying the current theme has two settings ("Dark mode" and "Use System theme"). Before, "Dark Mode" always won if both where set, but we're trying this new thing called "respecting user's preferences", so "System theme" wins instead. (Account settings)

2024 / wk 13 / v.291-292

  • fixedFixed bugs with 'Make API request' expression expansion not working if they contained dates or inline references. (Commands)
  • improvedStreaming AI responses now support 'inline code' blocks (Tana paste, AI for builders)
  • newThe workspace members invite now allows you to invite multiple emails at the same time, and also does not auto close after invite. (Workspaces)
  • fixedFixed an issue where dismissing some popovers would break navigation afterwards. (Navigation)
  • improvedView toolbar and filtering overhaul out to all. (Views, Navigation)
  • fixedFixed bug where discarding view options and then undoing would cause a crash (Views)
  • fixedFixed bug where navigating back in browser does not dismiss popups. (Navigation)

2024 / wk 12 / v.288-290

  • fixedRight clicking on a table row now brings up the node tool bar (Nodes and references)
  • fixedRight click on a card now brings up the node toolbar (Nodes and references)
  • improvedEmpty nodes nested under workspaces no longer show in the sidebar. This looked silly. (Sidebar)
  • improvedFor incoming Roam/Workflowy/Obsidian/Logseq/Reflect etc. users, [[ now triggers the @-mentions. [[<3]] (Nodes and references)
  • newThere are now three sizes of headings - these are set automatically, based on nesting. The headings are relative to the closest item with a heading. If you zoom in to a parent of the smallest heading, the smallest heading will become the largest heading. It's like growing up. (Nodes and references)
  • fixedWe fixed a bug where numbers in fixed options, in options fields, were inserted as plain values, not references. (Nodes and references, Fields)
  • fixedWe now notify the user (you) if the prompt in prompt workbench is too long for the AI model selected. (AI for builders)
  • fixedHitting space in an options fields inside the query / live search builder, didn't show options. It does now. (Search nodes)
  • improvedYou can now type @ directly after a Chinese character (no need for a space) (Nodes and references)
  • fixedAI AutoFill will now keep the original node title as a child node if autofill overwrites the title. (say that 10 times, fast). (AI for builders)
  • improvedMade AutoFill more robust 💪 (AI for builders)
  • fixedFilter by "No tag" now works again. (Search nodes)
  • improvedOpenLink now works with mailto and other custom protocols. (AI for builders)
  • fixedFixed bug with Tana Paste where using #[[tag]] would also cause a node called tag to be created in the library. (Tana paste)
  • fixedFixes an issue where the node icon or date icon sometimes appears on a separate line from the text in an inline ref. (Nodes and references)
  • improvedThe command to publish a workspace as read only has been renamed to "Share workspace as read-only", to avoid confusion with the Tana Publish feature (which publishes a website based on Tana nodes) (Workspaces)

2024 / wk 11 / v.286-287

  • improvedYou can now promote a field to the supertag template using the node toolbar. (Press ESC with caret on the field) (Supertags)
  • improvedAutoFill will keep original node title as child if it's overwritten (AI for builders)
  • improvedWe made AutoFill more robust (AI for builders)

2024 / wk 10 / v.285

  • improvedWhen we apply grouping on tags, if there are several we now look at the first set tag. (Views, Supertags)
  • fixedFix for Roam import where we interpreted :: (double colon) surrounded by code block markers as a field. (Import)
  • fixedFix for Roam import issue where weird spacing character in day node title could break import. (Import)
  • fixedFixed lost spacing in title expressions when viewed as cards. (Views, Supertags)
  • fixedFixed issues with the Link button in the unlinked references list causing Tana to crash. (Nodes and references)

2024 / wk 9 / v.283-284

  • improvedTitle expressions can now be used in openLink to build URLs (Commands)
  • improvedYou can now remove a banner image or icon that comes from a tag directly from the instance, or set a banner image or icon as a default banner image/icon for a tag, directly from an instance (Supertags, Nodes and references)
  • improvedClicking a date field now opens the date picker automatically (Dates and calendar nodes, Fields)
  • improvedCopy animation is a tiny bit more subtle (Nodes and references, Copy paste in tana)
  • fixedRoam importer doesn't lose content if indented under a link located in a field, and is more tolerant over space encoding in day nodes (Import)
  • fixedAuto-initialize functions on fields will no longer initialize the fields if the function does not return a value (Fields)
  • fixedFixed the display of inline references in the reference section (Nodes and references)
  • fixedFixed done state mapping in supertag config where fields were not rendered properly (Supertags)
  • fixedFixed encoding issues in openLink command node (Commands)
  • infoOn daily notes page, "Switch calendar" is now "Switch workspace" (Daily notes)

2024 / wk 8 / v.280-282

  • improvedYou can now drag and drop to reorder tabs. 🤗 (Views)
  • improvedYou can now right-click to remove a banner image from a tag from any node with that supertag. (Nodes and references, Supertags)
  • newThere is now a new system command node to open a link. (Commands)
  • infoWe've renamed 'Instance' fields to 'Options from supertag' (Fields)
  • improvedHighlight color in Tana Publish now looks nicer (Tana publish)
  • improvedUpdated Input API Docs to include clarification on workspace limit of 500k nodes, timezones, using Show API Schema and editing node name (Input API)
  • improvedWe've made big improvements to the content when copying node(s), both the plaintext and html outputs. We've also made a change to what we include when you copy a node: Before, copying a node would copy all of it's content no matter if it was expanded or collapsed, while we now copy what you see. (Nodes and references)

2024 / wk 7 / v.277-279

  • newNew buttons for date navigation on calendar nodes! Right-click on "Today" to navigate to this week/month/year. (Dates and calendar nodes)
  • newWe renamed Calendar to Daily Notes, and gave it a node icon. (Dates and calendar nodes)
  • newNew command: Generic AI Query. Basically same thing as Ask AI, but delivered in continuous streaming style. (AI for builders, Commands)
  • improvedWe added "Republish" to the context menu on published nodes. This was already available as a cmd+k command. (Tana publish)
  • improvedButtons have an updated, softer look 🪶 (Navigation, Commands)
  • improvedYou can now click on any focused inline ref to open it directly (Nodes and references)
  • fixedLarge images in Tana Publish no longer break the thumbnail creator (that thing that shows a thumbnail when you paste a link in Slack and other places that support thumbnail links) (Tana publish)
  • fixedWe fixed an issue where we used to allow you to delete nodes that are just created in a search node without having to Hard Delete (Search nodes)
  • fixedFix for Chinese references not showing up in reference section. (Nodes and references)
  • fixedTana Paste no longer matches nodes in trash (Tana paste)
  • infoAudio that is not from Tana Capture can now get the same transcription treatment: Delete the title, run Transcribe, and it will populate both the title and description. (AI for builders, Tana capture)
  • infoCtrl+Shift+D now opens daily page in main panel, not side panel. (Daily notes, Navigation)
  • infoField type "User" will now be called "Tana User" (Fields)
  • infoIn @-mention, renamed the "People" section to "Tana Users" (Nodes and references)

2024 / wk 6 / v.274-276

  • improvedWhen installing Templates, the 'Install' button will now get disabled on click to make sure you don't install a Template several times. However much you want to. (Tana templates)
  • fixedPasting into a search results table no longer creates a spurious 🥸 new node. The nodes are now properly welcome to our table. 🍽️ (Search nodes)
  • improvedWe now uses checkboxes and radios to make filter, grouping and display options easier to understand on view options. ☑️ 📻 (Views)
  • fixedWe fixed bug where nodes from template could not be edited. Edit away! (Tana templates)
  • improved☑️ / 🔳 - Users can now group by the Done system field, and be horrified by how many NOT DONE tasks they have. (Views)
  • improvedWe've cleaned up the system fields a bit, adding descriptions to all of them. They are now under a submenu when doing "Add field". We've also renamed a few: Node -> Node name, Description -> Node description, Owner -> Owner node. All existing setups will continue to work. (Fields)
  • fixedWe fixed a bug for new nodes created in a search with COMPONENTS REC. COMPONENTS REC is a part of semantic functions in Tana, which you can read about here (Semantic function)
  • fixedWe fixed a bug where the banner image could not be moved down into content from the home node. You can now redecorate your home again. 🧹🖼️ (Nodes and references)
  • fixedIt wasn't 'possible' to restore inline nodes from trash. We added "Restore from trash" to node toolbar on inline trashed nodes. 🗑️ ♻️ (Nodes and references)
  • improvedYou can now use CHILD OF with a field definition to point to a field on the node that owns the search. So a search under "Brage" set up with: - "PARENTS DESCENDANTS", - and >CHILD OF::Properties. Would find "awesome" and "release note aficionado" (Search nodes)
  • fixedWe fixed a bug where Restore node did not work on some trashed nodes. (Nodes and references)
  • improvedThe "Zoom full page" command now does that it says on the label. We won't explain it any further. Go and try it. Cmd+K, "zoom full page". (Command line)
  • improvedWe removed the Done system field from the query builder, and added a lint suggestion to use "DONE" and "NOT DONE" instead. (Search nodes)
  • improvedRemoved the 'Done' and 'Name' system fields from the search expression query builder UI: the 'Done' don't work like people expect and for 'Name' we have better ways... 🧙 (Search nodes)
  • fixedIn the query builder, we used to be smart and get you a list of supertag definitions when you hit "#". Then we somehow reverted back to pre-2023 functionality that just inserted an empty, tagged node if you hit "#", which - let's face it - wasn't particularly useful in this context. Tag defs when you hit # is now back. (Search nodes)
  • fixedFields living somewhere under schema (but not as a direct child) will no longer show the button "Move to schema" in field config. You don't need to 'move home' from your bathroom which is in your home 🤦🚽 (Nodes and references)
  • fixedWe fIxed a bug where newly created nodes in live searches did not immediately enter edit mode. (Search nodes)
  • improvedWe no longer show "Create ..." when editing a field, but only use the autocompleter to suggest existing fields. (Fields)
  • fixedWe fixed a bug where the reference section disappeared on all calendar nodes. You could say the references were... out of time. 🕶️ (Dates and calendar nodes, Nodes and references)
  • fixedWe fixed a bug with CJK input in fields. (Fields)

2024 / wk 5 / v.272-273

  • improvedYou can now right-click anywhere on a node to select it and show View Toolbar. (Go ahead. Try it).
  • improvedWe now show fitting placeholders for empty fields. 'Select Option' for Options, 'Add date' for Date, etc. This should make it easier for you to get over your blank field syndrome. (Fields)
  • fixedWe no longer format dates as "21th", "22th" and "23th" in calendar view. Instead, we've chosen the less creative "21st", "22nd", and "23rd". (Dates and calendar nodes)
  • fixedWe now show created/modified date on hover also for nodes created by the system.
  • fixedWe fixed Next year/Previous year sometimes not going to the correct year. (We all agree some years should be skippable, but not by the Tana UI.) (Nodes and references)
  • fixedWe fixed field options dropdown sometimes not being responsive to typing. You can now choose options fast as lightning ⚡️ (Fields)
  • fixedFix for autocompleter sometimes not working correctly in fields. (Fields)
  • improvedWe now use the color purple for AI actions. We think we might be the first 🤔 (AI for builders)
  • improvedYou can now use PARENT/GRANDPARENT for node context in command nodes. Only works in Tana, not on real grandparents. We checked. (Commands)
  • newYou can now easily create a search based on any tag from the slash menu. Just slash-and-search and your #soap-carving nodes will appear quick as you like. (Search nodes, Nodes and references)
  • fixedNodes from templates lost their color temporarily, but they have now gotten it back. Good for them. (Nodes and references, Supertags)
  • improvedResponses from AI are now streamed character-by-character instead of line-by-line, which means you'll start seeing data way earlier than before when doing AI requests. (This does not apply to all AI features yet, but gradually more and more.) (AI for builders)
  • improvedUntitled nodes with content (tag, view, children) have an "Untitled" placeholder. (Nodes and references)
  • improvedSlight improvement to search ranking. Every little helps. (Search nodes)

2024 / wk 4 / v.269-271

  • fixedFixed issue with PARENT/PARENT.field not working correctly when pointing at a date field (Search nodes)
  • fixedFixed issue for newly created nodes in searches with PARENT.field / PARENT+- number (Search nodes)
  • fixedFixed issue where "Date from calendar node" search would not work with week/month/year input. (Search nodes)
  • fixedIndentation in "Insert Tana Paste" prompt should now indent as expected in the output (Tana paste)
  • fixedWe now support calculations (in table view) over system fields, initially: Number of references. (Views)
  • improvedTightened up representation of date formatting when context is obvious, and for ranges. (Dates and calendar nodes)
  • fixedFix for Tana Paste, lines starting with # (Tana paste)
  • fixedFix for autocomplete in user fields (Fields)
  • fixedWe no longer show AI-suggested fields in field autocompleter (Fields)
  • fixedCode blocks will now appear in search nodes (not in Cmd+S searches or at-mentions), as long as they meet the search query. (Search nodes)
  • improvedWe now indicate on hidden fields whether they have content or not, and when they are AI processing. (Fields)
  • fixedIf the Lookup field in a command parameter does not find the field on the node it is run on, the command now fails, instead of the field inserting itself. (Commands)
  • fixedMade system more resilient if Tana encounters an irrecoverable error (and explain better to the user what to do).
  • infoRenamed "Run command on all children" to "Run commands on all children currently visible in the view", which reflects the specific behaviour of the original command that it only ran on children based on what was currently in view. It respects the current search query (which may not be saved), and filtered results. (Commands)
  • newThere's a new command called "Run command on all children" which runs on all children based on original search queries and no filters applied. In other words, it ignores any changes to the list made by filters and/or unsaved search node queries. (Commands)

2024 / wk 3 / v.267-268

  • improvedYou can now right-click on a banner to move it down to be an image node, or right click on an image and set it as the banner, or use command line to do these, as well as directly download a banner image. (Nodes and references)
  • improvedThe node options menu has been cleaned up 🧹 (Nodes and references)
  • newNew system field "Date from calendar node", works also for nodes placed under week, month and year nodes. ${sys:dateFromCalendarNode} in title expressions (but old ${sys:dateFromDayNode still works) (Fields)
  • newWhen on an empty node, / opens a menu that lets you quickly do a number of things (like create table, search node, field, image...) (Nodes and references)
  • improvedSystem nodes and fields no longer have the purple colour, they're read only and will be further changed to make them stick out less. (Fields)
  • improvedYou can now close the main (left-most) panel if there are other panels that can take its place 🎉 (Navigation)
  • improvedWe now hide the content width button when the panel is too narrow for the change to have a visible effect. (Navigation)

2024 / wk 2 / v.265-266

  • improvedNode icons now show in side menu as well
  • fixedSome commands have gotten new names to remove the redundant "node" term (i.e. Get link to node -> Copy link, Delete node -> Delete). (Commands)
  • fixedFixed performance regression for some global and @-mention searches (Search nodes)
  • fixedFixed an issue with empty nodes created by auto-initializers looking strange
  • fixedFixed collapsing the parent node when your cursor is in a field (Control+ArrowUp). (Navigation)
  • fixedSeveral minor bug fixes related to processing the content of AI responses, ensuring correct location/indentation of nodes. (AI for builders)
  • improvedSearch now searches *any* loaded workspace in the global search, not only those on the sidebar. Unloaded workspaces are still not searched.
  • improvedClean up of node options menu
  • fixedFixed issue with using node toolbar in Quick add (@-mentions and #-tagging didn't work)
  • fixedFixed bug with two overlapping placeholders in fields (Fields)
  • fixedFixed bug where dragging a node into the calendar would not set the date in the correct field (Dates and calendar nodes)
  • fixedFixed bug related to AI responses with numbers. In some cases the numbers would not be inserted, and in some cases it would have the wrong formatting causing any computations with the number to fail. (AI for builders)
  • new🌟🤌 Sexy new loading / launch screen .

2023 / wk 52 / v.261-264

  • fixedFixed issue with 'Set' in node filter. Filter triggered on nodes that do not have that field at all. (Commands)
  • fixedFixed cropped sidebar icon in Safari
  • fixedFixed bug with Generate banner image from nodes with inline references or formatting (Nodes and references)

2023 / wk 51 / v.254-260

  • fixedFixed an issue where some AI requests had the wrong format, causing them to fail. (AI for builders)
  • newAdded in-app support for Logseq import (Import)
  • fixedFixed bug where grouping on a required field would hide nodes with no value in that field (Fields)
  • fixedFixed bug where Ctrl/cmd click on Next/Previous day did not open in a new panel (Navigation, Dates and calendar nodes)
  • fixedFixed an annoying bug where running expand or collapse when the focus was on a checkbox would scroll the whole panel up or down. (Navigation)
  • improvedAdded side menu as option to "Set view type" command (Commands)
  • improvedSet default calendar tag is not enabled if user still has legacy calendar setup. (Dates and calendar nodes)
  • new✅ Command to set up calendar in new workspace. ✅ Command to remove default day/week/month/year tag ✅ Command to set default day/week/month/year tag only active on header of day/week/month/year node (Command line, Dates and calendar nodes)
  • improvedMonth nodes are now included in IS CALENDAR NODE search (Search nodes)
  • fixedFixed issue where QuickAdd with only image didn't add the image (it remained in QuickAdd). (Quick add)
  • fixedFixed PARENT search in Month nodes (Dates and calendar nodes, Search nodes)
  • newSide menu support in Tana Paste - %%view:sidemenu%% (Tana paste)
  • fixedTana Paste now supports fields with ^ in the title. Can fall back to using links if needed. (Tana paste)
  • newInitial support for SVG as image format.
  • fixedCutting inline references and dates with the keyboard when selected (cmd+x on Mac) is now supported (Dates and calendar nodes)
  • improvedWe now show more specific error messages when a table calculation fails. (Views)
  • newWe now display selection area when you click and drag with the mouse outside of nodes. (Navigation, Outline editor)
  • fixedFixed some performance issues when navigating and toggling sidebar. (Sidebar)
  • newYou can now calculate over date columns in tables. (Views)
  • improvedNew node selection style to more clearly show you which nodes will be acted upon (Navigation)
  • fixedFixed bug where fields in publish ended up wider than mobile viewport. (Tana publish)
  • fixedSet and NotSet in search nodes will now consider all values in a field, and not only the first one. (Search nodes)
  • fixedReferences would sometimes take very long to show up in the reference section. It should be more or less instant again now. (Nodes and references)
  • newYou can now make nodes Headers. ! at the beginning of a line, or H in the toolbar, or cmd+K Toggle header. Headers are displayed slightly more prominently, and default to expanded state. (Views)
  • fixedFixed edge-case when migrating data across workspaces. (Workspaces)

2023 / wk47 / v.250-253

  • fixedZooming out of a node (going back) now restores the position to where you navigated from (restore scroll position). (Navigation)
  • fixedTana Paste now supports inserting multiple inline references to the same node in the same line. Note that the data model currently does not support having multiple aliases for the same inline ref in a single node. (Tana paste)
  • newAlt+Click on workspace header in sidebar to open that workspace's daily page (like clicking on the Calendar of that workspace in the sidebar) (Navigation)
  • newNodes will now use the banner image from the first supertag that has a banner, if the node itself doesn't have the banner image set. (Supertags)
  • newSide menu view is available 🎉 (Views)
  • improvedRemoved the command "Generate image with DALL-E - enhanced", which was a hack for DALLE 2 that is no longer needed for good results with DALL-E 3. (AI for builders)
  • improvedChanged default DALL-E image generation format to landscape (AI for builders)
  • fixedFixed rendering issue with table headers in Tana Publish (Tana publish)
  • improvedAlt-click on the workspace header in the sidebar will now open that workspace's today node (just like clicking on the calendar of that workspace in the sidebar) (Navigation)
  • fixedImproved drag drop while scrolling (Nodes and references)
  • fixedAvoids issue where some pinned nodes would be suddenly expanded in the sidebar (Sidebar)
  • improvedCalendar nodes removed from @-mention search: No longer including year/week/day nodes in at-mentions (should use proper date references instead) (Dates and calendar nodes)
  • fixedCorrectly showing references to week/year nodes (Dates and calendar nodes)
  • improvedSearch using PARENT.field is now responsive to the field value changing (Search nodes)
  • improvedCards view does not use default banner image from tags (only if the node has its own banner image set), to avoid showing many nodes with the same tag/banner image (Views)
  • improvedButtons should now feel more familiar when switching between light mode and dark mode. Increased contrast between normal and hover state. Solid and outline buttons now feel like they're part of the same family. (Commands)
  • improvedAdded "Open GPT log monitor"-command for improved debugging / logging of GPT related things (AI for builders)
  • fixedFixing issue with Safari 17 not allowing you to alt-drag a node to create a reference (Nodes and references)
  • improvedClicking on the AI icon to fill a column in a table will now only fill in empty cells. Shift+click to fill in all cells (also ones that already have values). Instead of errors due to rate limiting, we only show warnings that automatically disappear after a while, and we only request 20 rows at a time to improve rate limiting a bit. (AI for builders)
  • improvedNew custom audio player with compact mode for inline playing and a larger player for zoomed in nodes. This fits in better with the rest of the Tana user interface. 🔊 (Nodes and references)
  • fixedFixed some issues when selecting text and opening @-mentions (Nodes and references)
  • improvedSlight tweak to command node button styling in dark mode, to make them less jarring (Commands)
  • improvedEscape now toggles selection of an entire node (Nodes and references)
  • improvedConverted to new calendar nodes format. Right-click on any calendar node to create default tag. Added month nodes. Hide calendar nodes under an expandable header to let you focus on using the year/month nodes to write about that year/month or have default searches. Fixed reference section on week/year nodes. Alt+click or right+click on any date object to go to that date's calendar node (not just for day nodes). Calendar picker now opens to the month that you are on. Open calendar in a different workspace opens the calendar on the same date as you are currently on. Ctrl+[ ctrl+] anywhere on a zoomed in calendar node goes to the previous/next date (also a command "Go to next/previous calendar node" which can be mapped to custom keyboard shortcut. (Dates and calendar nodes)
  • fixedFixed an issue where some AI requests had the wrong format, causing them to fail. (AI for builders)

2023 / wk45 / v.246-249

  • improvedIt is now possible to paste links to Tana nodes as inline references. (Nodes and references)
  • improvedWe now use the correct start of week (Sunday/Monday) also for the "Go to date" calendar. (Dates and calendar nodes)
  • newYou can now republish a published node via command line. The command is 'republish node' (Commands, Tana publish)
  • newText selection toolbar and Inline object selection toolbar features released for everyone. 🎉 (Outline editor)
  • fixedFixed query lint for "FOR RELATIVE DATE..." (Search nodes)
  • newTana Paste now supports setting aliases on inline references. Use [[alias^nodeId]]. (Tana paste)
  • fixedFixed query lint for "COMPONENTS_REC> PARENT" (Search nodes)
  • improvedUpdated DALL-E to version 3, with new image size, image style and image quality settings on the command node. (AI for builders)

2023 / wk44 / v. 243-245

  • newPARENT can point to a field on the parent node using dot notation. For example, PARENT.Description will point at the description field on the parent. Dots in field names are supported. (Ie. on a meeting node you could have a search to find other meetings for the related project of this meeting). (Search nodes, Fields)
  • newUsing PARENT in a search node under a week or year node can now be used for date comparisons such as “find all tasks completed this week”. (These date items will get the right granularity - week and year.) (Search nodes, Dates and calendar nodes, Daily notes)
  • newPARENT that points at a date or a day/week/year node can now do simple arithmetic. PARENT-7 on a day node would get the day 7 days earlier, PARENT+3 on a week node will get a date 3 weeks in the future etc. (Search nodes, Dates and calendar nodes, Daily notes)
  • newYou can combine fields with date arithmetic, so PARENT.Due date+3 will be replaced with a date 3 days ahead of the date in the Due date field. (Search nodes, Fields, Dates and calendar nodes)
  • improvedWe now show inline expanded nodes with the same expand state as if you had zoomed into them. (Nodes and references)
  • improvedCollapsing or expanding references should now persist across navigation (Nodes and references)
  • fixedFixed issue where the install template dialogue would not go away after installing (or cancelling the install of) a template. (Tana templates)
  • fixedFixed bug with Payload: Send whole node as Tana Paste in Make API Request command. (Tana paste, Commands)
  • fixedFixed an AI model change which made "Get table column suggestions" often fail. (AI for builders, Views)

2023 / wk42 / v. 239-242

  • newNew search expression: IS FIELD, finds all field definitions. Helpful if you want to find duplicates for potential merging etc. (Fields, Search nodes)
  • newTana Publish: Pages just launched! See help docs for everything about it. (Tana publish)
  • improvedRenamed the Live query button to Edit query, and the Search expression editor to "Query builder" (Search nodes)
  • improvedMade the description of search queries, shown at the bottom of the query builder, a bit more consistent. (Search nodes)
  • improvedFor greater consistency, we've removed underscores in the search operators as follows: LINKS TO, CHILD OF, OWNED BY, COMPONENTS REC. All your existing searches will still work. (Search nodes)
  • improvedRenamed system fields "Modified at" and "Modified by" to "Edited by" and "Edited at". Also changed search queries from "MODIFIED BY" to "EDITED BY" etc (the old ones will continue working). (Search nodes)
  • improvedAdded new FOR RELATIVE DATE options: FOR RELATIVE DATE YESTERDAY and FOR RELATIVE DATE LAST MONTH (in the interest of symmetry) (Search nodes)
  • fixedSome search queries involving flags (like HAS MEDIA) or free text were returning too few candidates. (Search nodes)
  • improvedRenamed HAS ATTRIBUTE search operator to HAS FIELD (HAS ATTRIBUTE will still work for backwards compatibility) (Search nodes)
  • fixedHelp center button clicks no longer open a panel in Tana, but opens a new browser window. (Navigation)
  • newWhen you click the "Help" icon in the sidebar, you can now search through the articles in our help center. (Navigation)
  • fixedFixed bugs where we showed HTML codes for the description of grouping nodes (like when you group by tag) (Views)
  • fixedFixed issue with splitting large voice recordings done via web client (Commands)
  • newNew keyboard shortcuts for the following inline formatting styles: Highlight text using Ctrl+H, and make inline code by simply hitting ` (backtick). (Nodes and references)

2023 / wk41 / v. 236-238

  • fixedFixed issues where some commands did not show up when they should. (Commands, Command line)
  • newWe've added some new search expressions to the live search: "ON DAY NODE" will match any nodes which are direct children of a day node. "IN LIBRARY" will match any node that is a direct child of a library. "IS CALENDAR NODE" will match any year/week/day nodes (primarily useful to exclude from searches with NOT). "IS SEARCH NODE" can be used with NOT to exclude search nodes from search results. (Search nodes)

2023 / wk40 / v. 234-235

  • newWe now show your recent nodes in global search (cmd/ctrl+s), and in @-mentions before you have typed anything. (Nodes and references)
  • fixedYou could not select nodes using Shift+select in quick add, this has been resolved now. (Quick add)

2023 / wk39 / v. 233

  • fixedFixed "Set OpenAI API key" command, which failed to open the expected UI (Commands, AI for builders)
  • improvedGrouping nodes have been given some performance and UX love. If there are too many groups or too many nodes in a group, you get paging support so that you now see all the groups if one group is too big. (Views)

2023 / wk38 / v.225-234

  • improvedMany improvements to drag-n-drop interactions everywhere in Tana and selecting multiple nodes. (Outline editor)
  • improvedCleaner tables, where we collapse supertag names in cells among other things (Views)
  • improvedWhen you now tag a calendar item with a supertag that has a date field, we will try to populate that date field. (Supertags, Views)
  • improvedAdding new AI model option: GPT4-32k (only usable by users who have access to this model in OpenAI) (AI for builders)
  • improvedWe now automatically expand the reference section on all zoomed in nodes in list view, and we've simplified the display a bit when all references come from the same workspace. Expect more work on this in the future. (Nodes and references)
  • improvedCleaned up the home node UI and redesigned the workspace members panel (Workspaces)
  • fixedBug where auto completer would appear behind a calendar event pop-up (Views)
  • fixedMade selections a lot more stable and reliable (Nodes and references)
  • fixedFixes Spotify URL embed bug which caused there to be a big white space under embeds. (Embeds, Nodes and references)
  • fixedFixed some performance issues when you are interacting with a grouped by date list (Views)
  • fixedHuge decrease in rendering times of your inbox when grouped by dates (Views)
  • fixedSignificantly speed up "Find nodes with field" in the command line, including some fixes that speed up several other options in the command line. (Search nodes, Command line)

2023 / wk37 / v.221-223

  • improvedDynamically switch between GPT3.5 and GPT3.5-16k based on length of input if you haven't explicitly set model. (AI for builders)
  • improvedMake tables a bit faster on scroll. (Views)
  • improvedA number of performance improvements when editing tables. (Views)
  • infoShow better error message to user when browser has a problem with IndexedDB storage (i.e disk full).
  • fixedPrompt workbench now respects model max length. (AI for builders)
  • fixedFixed big performance issue with Tabs view (Views)
  • fixedYou can no longer crash Prompt workbench by giving it a reference to a very large node. (AI for builders)
  • fixedFix for providing correct context to "Run command line command". (Commands, Command line)
  • fixed'Find nodes' command would not find any field options if you had an empty tag somewhere in your workspace; now it works. (Search nodes, Fields)
  • improvedSignificantly speed up "Find nodes with field" in the command line, including some fixes that speed up several other options in the command line. (Command line, Search nodes)