Release notes

2025 / wk 07-09 / v.396-399

  • NewWe’ve introduced new error messages for our Event system. The Event system is what automatically triggers commands based on actions like "On added/removed" or "On child added/removed." As our command system has become more advanced, it’s easier to create loops or recursive behaviors that may run indefinitely. If one of these behaviors is detected, a fail-safe will trigger, and an error message will appear. To reset the Event system, simply refresh Tana. We’d love to hear from the community about any commands that regularly trigger the fail-safes, especially if you believe your commands are working as intended. Thanks! —@Fei
  • ImprovedGreater ability for Tana subscribers to change/upgrade their plans on their own.
    • Plans
  • FixedFixed an issue where the done state of a node gets undone when changing the field value
  • FixedStop using timezone for date objects where there is no time specified. Today = today, tomorrow = tomorrow, no matter where you are in the world. Thanks Darren for your patience on this, more fixes to come!
  • FixedFixed issue where ${sys:chat} was not passed correctly to commands nested in a command group in agent config
  • FixedFixed bug where nodes would in some cases show strikethrough instead of the checked checkbox when done (sorry)
  • FixedAvoid nesting a chat node under an empty node if you run Start AI chat on an empty node.
  • FixedFixed a case where dates in imported TIF data would be assigned the default UTC timezone instead of the user's timezone.
  • FixedFixed commands that wouldn't run when 1. they invoked a command line action that required expanding such as "Move to", and 2. had custom shortcuts mapped to them.
  • FixedIn User Settings, changed help text for Unsplash API key to match the Unsplash terminology "Access key"
  • InfoCommands nested under other commands will no longer be available in command line. If you want it to be available in command line, put the actual command in the graph somewhere, and reference it as a sub-command.
  • InfoWhen previewing Tana Templates, we now only count top level commands, and not the command nodes nested underneath.

2025 / wk 6 / v. 393-395

  • ImprovedWe now support o3-mini in most AI commands, such as Ask AI and AI Chat. We currently only offer "reasoning effort" set to the default, which is medium. This has improved cost per token over GPT-4o, which about the same performance. However, reasoning tokens might cause costs to increase in total.
  • ImprovedWe've improved pasting of lists. We've had several edge-cases related to ordering and indentation that should now work much better. If you are still experiencing paste results that look bad it would be very helpful if your bug report includes a reproducible case. The easiest way for us to fix it, is it you take your example and go to and paste it in there, then copy the information from "text/plain" and "text/html".
  • ImprovedUsers will get a message now when the event system gets disabled with more details and it will tell them they will have to refresh
  • ImprovedWe now have an option to manually transcribe audio from audio files, available in the right click context menu when a node has audio
  • ImprovedDownloading an image will now use the images file name, not "Image"
  • ImprovedThe new prompt expression system nodes are now also available in the System prompt field on chat agents
  • FixedFix HTML formatting in tabs view in Tana Publish
  • FixedWe made a change to AI prompt processing to automatically expand all search nodes, but this caused far too much irrelevant content to be sent to AI processing in some cases. We are reversing this change for now, note that you can always specify that reference nodes should be expanded by using the Expand references system field.
  • FixedFix for Claude not working with custom agents that have an initial prompt
  • FixedFixed an issue with supporting language codes with 3 letters such as Cantonese
  • InfoDisabled support for Basque (eu) when transcribing using Whisper as OpenAI throws an error for these calls now.
  • InfoOptional field will no longer be shown in audio recorder in iOS app, as they will not be autofilled
  • InfoWe now require you to explicitly type DELETE ACCOUNT in the confirmation screen to delete your account.

2025 / wk 5 / v. 382-392

  • NewClaude from Anthropic is now available as a custom model in commands where you can configure model.
  • InfoWe have renamed the command node "Ask AI" to "Ask AI (non-streaming)", and the "Generic AI Query" to "Ask AI", to make the difference more clear. Mostly you should be using "Ask AI", since it's streaming. It has fewer parameters than "Ask AI (non-streaming)" but most of those are not useful anymore (let us know if there are any that are important to you). (Nothing will change with the commands you've already configured, or what happens when you hit Cmd+K Ask AI. )
  • FixedWe fixed a small bug with error message when using global search
  • FixedWe fixed a regression where the Meeting agent menu was not shown for expanded items any more. Whoops!
  • FixedPinned nodes and supertags are now unpinned if deleted from the graph. We no longer allow ghost pins.
  • NewCompact and full menu available in Supertag configuration under AI & Commands - It let's you build command menus for tagged nodes, similar to command palette but improved: - Command palette has been repurposed to Compact menu - Works like before, shows as buttons primarily in compact/item contexts – lists, cards, etc. - Full menu is an added option to build custom menus in detail contexts - Let's you define specific menus for full/detailed contexts – zoomed in/panel header, in a tab, expanded items, etc. - Use (Convert to group via command line) to group commands into dropdown menus - You can also nest groups for deeper menu structures.
  • ImprovedWe improved the Groups (for Full menu / compact menu) to display icons and descriptions. Shows group name as tooltip on dropdown (when we have an icon and we're in a compact menu context and there's no additional description)
  • ImprovedCtrl/Command+Click group menu item now opens it in new tab (like command buttons do) Also, We now show descriptions on groups and commands that are shown in dropdown menus as help icons with tooltips
  • ImprovedAsk AI command (streaming) now supports the prompt workbench
  • ImprovedIn the tag overview, you can now see the descriptions on Supertag as a tooltip.
  • FixedWe fixed a bug where some users could not use Claude in Ask AI command nodes
  • InfoWe no longer autofill optional fields when processing content captured from mobile
  • ImprovedWe added a new parameter to Ask AI command nodes, to request output to be opened in new panel. (See Draft Panel)
  • FixedWe fixed a bug where the workspace icon was overlapping labels in the reference section
  • ImprovedYou can now toggle whether a field should be included in autofill or not (by default, all fields are included) from the field on a tagged node (with only one tag), or from the template section on the tag config, using both command line, node toolbar, and right-click context menu.
  • ImprovedImproved language prompt for autofill: We made it less likely that autofill will suddenly switch to another language.
  • NewExtract tagged items-fields: You can now specify "Extract tagged items" for autofill on a field, or on a tag (for the Content section). This will attempt to extract a number of items of the same kind, with a certain tag, and run autofill on them as well.
  • FixedFor users with multiple accounts: WE fixed an issue where Tana Desktop would sign users in without asking to confirm which account.
  • ImprovedSign up/Log in in Tana Desktop app is now simpler - takes you directly to browser when clicking signup/login buttons
  • FixedWe fixed a bug where (id: xxx) would sometimes show up in node names when searching. This was in inline-refs.
  • FixedThe Transcribe audio system command now supports nodes with source material.
  • FixedWe fixed an issue where publishing a URL node to would not show fields/content.
  • ImprovedWe now automatically refresh search nodes when publishing/republishing Tana Pages
  • FixedMade sure that prompt workbench uses the same default AI model as the AI command nodes
  • FixedWe now show supertag context menu instead of a generic node context menu when right clicking a supertag definition.
  • FixedWe fixed a bug when running command nodes in parallel
    • Ai command nodes
  • ImprovedAutofill will now set default values for fields from extract tagged entities. (E.g., when using the Extract tagged item-fields, autofill will now work better for the tagged nodes extracted into those fields)
  • FixedWe fixed an issue where the voice memos did not respect the users timezone when filling out date fields. No more jetlag.
  • FixedAutofill when capturing using mobile voice memo will override default values in fields. The autofill fields command behavior is unchanged, and will not override existing field values.
  • FixedWe improved quality of our voice memo flow by giving the LLM more context when reviewing the filled fields.
  • NewWe introduced the command node Start AI Chat, and support for custom chat agents, which can specify model, temperature, system prompt, initial prompt and initial greeting (all with support for prompt expressions). They can also be given commands available to run from inside the chat.
  • FixedCreate new from tag homepage now creates new node in the workspace of the tag
  • FixedWe fixed a bug where we showed two icons for tags in autocompleter
  • NewWe introduced the new Draft panel! With prompt editing! The updated draft panel makes it easier to review and edit AI generated results. In combination with the new ability to view and edit the prompt, Tana now offers a simple and powerful way to iterate together with AI.
  • NewIntroducing Desktop notifications for upcoming meetings from Google Calendar sync! With the new version of Tana Desktop app, you will now get notifications for upcoming meetings 2 mins before the meeting starts Clicking the notification will open the meeting node in Tana + the meeting link, making it easy to take notes and add the meeting agent If you have the Google Calendar sync active, and have Tana Desktop app running, you will now start getting notifications.
  • ImprovedTana (iOS) Version 1.4.2 is now available in App Store! It’s been a while since the last update, and that’s because we have been working on several bigger changes: - New audio recorder UI We’ve polished the recording UI to make it easier to see long list of fields App will now default to system language of device on first time use (but we still remember your most recent language setting) There's a new one-click for voice memo button on tags the Supertags tab - New Capture confirmation cards and sync history When capturing things you’ll now see a card with the status of the capture Swipe left to dismiss (it will still be available in the History view) Tap card to open node ... Menu for more options (Go to destination, Go to tag) History moved back to Capture tab - Performance and loading improvements We’re making constant changes to content loading time.
  • InfoThe Inbox will now be default hidden for new users, and will only appear if they send any content to it. Nothing will change for existing users who have content in the Inbox or are actively using it. The Inbox will still exist for all users, and if send anything to it (from Android Capture, Readwise, API etc.) it will appear in the sidebar like before.

2025 / wk 03 / v. 380-381

  • ImprovedMade progress bar work in sidebar, tabs and cards view
    • Checkbox nodes
  • ImprovedTana Paste now supports headings. Start the node with !!
  • ImprovedWe now use Tana headings when appropriate for content received from AI (you can ask for "Markdown headers" explicitly in your prompt if you want)
  • ImprovedWe have added meta-prompt generation for the generate image dialogue (ie. we first ask GPT to rewrite to a more complete prompt, before generating the image) which gives better results. We also stopped writing the result of the meta-prompt generation into the description of images, when using the Generate image with DALL-E command node.
  • FixedFixed bug where AI-generated images could not be shown full screen.
  • FixedPinning nodes on mobile should now put them at the top of the list, like they do when you pin on desktop.
  • FixedFixed bugs where newly created fields showed empty for Field type, and showed that Semantic function was turned on (it wasn't actually, the display was wrong)
  • FixedFixed bug where code blocks where default collapsed

2025 / wk 02 / v. 374-379

  • NewAdded Github and Microsoft as sign-in options
  • ImprovedTana Templates update: 1. Use the new command called "Publish template" on a node in a read-only workspace to create a static preview page (like Tana Publish Pages) that you can share with anyone, 2. Like Tana Publish Pages, the static page does not reflect changes to the template until you hit publish again. This is different from the original way of sharing templates via a special URL, which pointed directly to the Tana node, making it hard to "stage" changes, 3. Templates can now be installed directly from within the iOS mobile app.
  • ImprovedTana Publish updates: 1. A byline option has been added to Publish. It can show an author name, title and image as well as the publish date, 2. Added option for heading font style – defaults to sans. Control it separately from text font style, 3. Changed serif font to Source Serif, 4. Various minor typography and layout adjustments
  • ImprovedTana Publish toolbar updates: 1. Added copy link button, 2. Updated layout and icons to improve usability, 3. Added missing feedback on some actions, 4. Updated wording on some actions.
  • ImprovedA new command 'Copy published link' will, on published nodes, do just that. Also available in the context menu for published nodes.
  • ImprovedHold Shift when executing "Hard delete including references" to skip the "Are you sure?" dialog.
  • ImprovedYou can now reprocess a voice memo in the browser/desktop client by running the Cmd/Ctrl+K command "Reprocess voice memo". Useful if something went wrong or wrong language was selected.
  • ImprovedCustom Autofill improvements: 1. AI instructions for the title, 2. AI instructions for the description, 3. Actually support autofill description when enabled (disabled by default), 4. Update the default values in the configuration panel for custom autofill behavior to reflect the actual defaults and resolve the bug with toggling those values.
  • ImprovedCustom Autofill improvements for voice memo only: 1. Toggle to include or exclude for autofill, 2. AI instructions for content and support for autofilling based on that.
  • FixedExclude references to nodes from node filter from auto-collected options on option fields.

2024 / wk 50 / v. 373

  • ImprovedPasting a Tana node or a link to a Tana node while text is selected, turns the selected text into an inline link to the node (similar to what happens if you paste an external URL over selected text)
  • ImprovedWhen copying text from Tana as HTML (Cmd/Ctrl+C on a node or selection), URL nodes will now be turned into proper HTML links

2024 / wk 47-49 / v. 363-372

  • NewIntroducing a new progress bar indicator, that will show number of checkboxes done/not done below the node. It will auto-show when adding a checkbox below a node, or can be enabled with command "Toggle Progress bar". Docs coming!
  • NewGamechanger?? New commands to be run on tag template: "Convert template node to field" + "convert template field to node". What this does: Inside the content section of a supertag config, you can now convert fields to nodes, and nodes to fields. These will update the tag template / 'content', and all nodes that have already been tagged and 'initialized' with this tag template. Fields with values / content will be turned into nodes with children, nodes with children will be turned into fields with values.
  • NewThere is now a command to update existing instances when you change the default field value in a tag template
  • ImprovedAdd option to set Today or Inbox as default node
  • ImprovedInbox added as one of the default targets
  • ImprovedWe cleaned up the way referenced nodes and search node results are sent in AI chat, and fixed a few bugs. We'd love to hear reports if AI chat is still not giving you the results you expect.
  • ImprovedWe've now simplified the AI chat prompt for chats without references to Tana nodes. We welcome feedback about the quality of interactions with the AI chat.
  • ImprovedYou can now use Draft panel as the Target node all command nodes that support Target node (press space to choose), which will open an ephemeral panel to the right with the output, with the option to move or insert in daily node
  • ImprovedRemoved global system prompt from Ask AI, no longer necessary given improved LLM models.
  • ImprovedNew prompt expressions for source (like raw transcript of voice memo): ${sys:source} for the source, and ${sys:sourceOrContent} will insert the source, or content (node children) if there is no source node.
    • Ai command nodes
  • ImprovedWe now automatically create a new checkboxed item when you hit enter at the end of one checkboxed item. A simple backspace will remove the checkbox on the new node.
  • ImprovedRewrite as - should now be more likely to use the same language in the output as the transcript
  • ImprovedButtons in the panel header are now right aligned instead of left aligned, and showing only the source material icon, not text.
  • FixedFixed issue with parsing single character link aliases in Tana Paste
  • FixedFixed bug where command line commands for expand and collapse children were not available on some nodes
  • FixedFixed bug where Generate image was not available on calendar nodes
  • InfoAdded GPT4o-2024-11-20 as a model choice (not yet default model)
  • FixedFixed issue where users could not zoom into ghost nodes on iOS application.
  • FixedFixed bug where a reference to the Trash node itself looked like the node was "in trash".
  • FixedFixed issue where users could not unselect an instance field value in the iOS mobile app.
  • FixedFixed bug where Transcribe Youtube video command didn't recognize certain valid Youtube URLs

2024 / wk 45-46 / v. 359-362

  • ImprovedUpdated look and feel of template preview
  • ImprovedGreatly improved CPU/GPU usage on search nodes in related content
  • FixedSearching for a field that is of datatype=checkbox without checking the box will now only return nodes with that field unchecked. Previously every node even without this field would be returned. Oops.
  • FixedOnly show 'Unshare' for published read-only workspaces on the home node.
  • FixedFix system theme dark/light mode on desktop app