Can I collaborate with others in Tana?

Yes! It is already possible to collaborate with other users in Tana if they have a Tana account.

To invite another Tana user to collaborate with you in a shared workspace:

  • Create a new workspace
  • Invite them to the workspace by going to the workspace home node and clicking on the "Member" button (they must already have a Tana account)

Right now you can:

  • Write simultaneously in the same context (not same node) and see where others are, live
  • Invite members to a shared workspace and everyone can see and edit content that is owned by that workspace. All have to be existing Tana users.
  • Notify members of nodes and they get pinged immediately with a link to the node. Notifications show up in the sidebar.

Collaboration features coming later:

  • Admin tools for managing content and members
  • Access control per member
  • More collaboration tools