2024 / wk 5 / v.272-273

Released Jan 29, 2024.
  • ImprovedYou can now right-click anywhere on a node to select it and show View Toolbar. (Go ahead. Try it).
  • ImprovedWe now show fitting placeholders for empty fields. 'Select Option' for Options, 'Add date' for Date, etc. This should make it easier for you to get over your blank field syndrome.
  • FixedWe no longer format dates as "21th", "22th" and "23th" in calendar view. Instead, we've chosen the less creative "21st", "22nd", and "23rd".
  • FixedWe now show created/modified date on hover also for nodes created by the system.
  • FixedWe fixed Next year/Previous year sometimes not going to the correct year. (We all agree some years should be skippable, but not by the Tana UI.)
  • FixedWe fixed field options dropdown sometimes not being responsive to typing. You can now choose options fast as lightning ⚡️
  • FixedFix for autocompleter sometimes not working correctly in fields.
  • ImprovedWe now use the color purple for AI actions. We think we might be the first 🤔
  • ImprovedYou can now use PARENT/GRANDPARENT for node context in command nodes. Only works in Tana, not on real grandparents. We checked.
  • NewYou can now easily create a search based on any tag from the slash menu. Just slash-and-search and your #soap-carving nodes will appear quick as you like.
  • FixedNodes from templates lost their color temporarily, but they have now gotten it back. Good for them.
  • ImprovedResponses from AI are now streamed character-by-character instead of line-by-line, which means you'll start seeing data way earlier than before when doing AI requests. (This does not apply to all AI features yet, but gradually more and more.)
  • ImprovedUntitled nodes with content (tag, view, children) have an "Untitled" placeholder.
  • ImprovedSlight improvement to search ranking. Every little helps.