What is the difference between supertags in Tana and hashtags used in social media?

Here's a comparison between hashtags and supertags:

  • Primary function
    • Hashtags: identify keywords and trends that are relevant to a piece of content
    • Supertags: identify items and entries in one's data or knowledge-base
  • Placement
    • Hashtags: Can appear anywhere in the content
    • Supertags: Applies to the whole content (node), always appears at end
  • Search
    • Hashtags: Finds all content tagged with that hashtag across the platform
    • Supertags: Similar to hashtags
  • Value
    • Hashtags: Connects users to the broader conversation across the platform
    • Supertags: Connects users with their own content, improving knowledge management and retrieval
  • Shorthand
    • Hashtags: "This content is related to X"
    • Supertags: "This content is an X"
  • Examples
    • Hashtags:
      • Example: This content relates to [#topic1, #topic2]
      • #TaylorSwift
      • #ErasTour
      • #BlankSpace
    • Supertags:
      • Example: This item is a #[type of item/entity]
      • Taylor Swift #artist
      • Eras Tour #event
      • Blank Space #song

Using supertags this way is a good starting point for getting to know them. Once you become more familiar, it's not a problem if you want to break the rules and use supertags like hashtags - as long as you know what the tradeoffs are and why you are doing this.