How can I search for content that is nested within one or more nodes?

There are several ways to find content that is nested within one or more nodes:

Search within

Our global search (Cmd/Ctrl+S) and command "Search within" allows you to make that node and its contents the sole scope for your search.

Search within (query)

When defining a query in a search node, you can scope the search by adding a reference to the node you'd like to search within.


When creating a search node in a supertag template, you can make it a scoped search which looks at all descendants within each supertag instance by using the search operator PARENTS DESCENDANTS and its variations. For more on scoped search operators, see Search nodes.

Field initialization

Nodes can "clone" attributes from parent/ancestor nodes through field initialization settings. This can help you resurface things based on related attributes.

For instance, if your meeting is about a certain client, your #meeting tag may have a field called Client where your "Acme Inc." client is defined. Then, when you are taking meeting notes and define a #task there, your task can have the same Client field inherit the field value "Acme Inc.", which connects it to the same client as the meeting. Then you can separately search for all tasks that are related to that particular client.

For more on field initialization, check out Fields