How can I add supertags on things that I send from Tana Capture?

While it isn't possible to tag things when you're sending things from Tana Capture, you can have Tana do some post-processing magic to convert written-out tags to real tags once they arrive the Inbox—no AI needed!

  1. This method uses a simple Tana Paste command that you can run on the Inbox node, which targets all new children that have "#" in them.
  2. Once you've created the command, you must add it to the On child added section of the Inbox node. You can find it by running the command Debug node on the title of the Inbox.

Here's Theo describing the command:

"All it does is paste the nodes that have # in them and that are not tagged, using Tana Paste.

Say we add this through Tana Capture:

buy milk #todo

The command will paste that exact text back in with Tana Paste, where ${name} is buy milk #todo and ${sys:content} are any child notes that are present. Using Tana Paste, #todo will be added as a tag.

Note: this creates a new node, so the created date will change, meaning you’ll lose the time that the node was captured through Tana Capture."