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Tana is proud to be community built.

From day one, Tana has been developed in collaboration with an exceptional community of early adopters. The group has grown from a tight-knit group of 10, then to 100, then to 1,000, and now consists of more than 18,000 fantastic individuals that share ideas and knowledge — from beginners to experts.

  • Photo of Ev Chapman
  • Photo of CortexFutura
  • 🇰🇷
  • Photo of Andrea Grasso
  • Photo of Fis Fraga
  • Photo of Renee De Four
  • Photo of R. J. Nestor
  • 🇨🇳
  • Photo of Santi Younger
  • Photo of Andrew Altshuler
  • Photo of David Delgado Vendrell
  • Photo of Dee Todd
  • 🇺🇸
  • Photo of Emmanuel Galanos
  • Photo of Maciej Smoła
  • Photo of Kamara Simpson
  • Photo of Theo Køppen
  • 🇪🇸
  • Photo of Abraham Hernandez
  • Photo of Bri Ballard
  • Photo of Andre Foeken
  • Photo of Monica Rysavy
  • 🇦🇺
  • Photo of Sarah Bentley
  • Photo of Darren Brierton
  • Photo of Eneko Uruñuela
  • Photo of Chris
  • 🇫🇷
  • Photo of David
  • Photo of Hoang
  • Photo of Jason
  • Photo of Jeroen
  • 🇸🇪
  • Photo of Richmond
  • Photo of Robin
  • Photo of Sarah
  • Photo of Sven
  • 🇳🇬
  • Photo of Yan
  • Photo of Adam
  • Photo of Livia
  • Photo of Sharon
  • Photo of Penny
  • Photo of Kenny

Tana AmbassadorsTana Ambassador badge

Tana Ambassadors are our great community explorers and explainers. They are independent content creators working with Tana. Get to know them here!

Tana NavigatorsTana Navigator badge

Tana Navigators are our most active and helpful community members. Our Navigators program celebrates their expertise, generosity and curiosity for learning and exploring Tana with others in the community.

Resources by the community