Santi Younger
I have spent the last few years teaching people how to use productivity tools like Obsidian and Logseq through YouTube and my online courses. Now, my latest obsession is Tana. I enjoy developing systems that help me become more productive, and I enjoy teaching what I learn.
- Website:
- Youtube: @SantiYounger
- X (Twitter): @santiyounger
- Email: santiyounger/contact
- Ecuador, South America / GMT-5
- ArticleTana Template: Book Library by Santi Younger
Keep track of the books you intend to read, those you have already read, your rating of them, and the people who suggested them.
- VideoIs Tana The Right App For You? With Santi Younger
Santi compares Tana to other apps like Obsidian, Logseq, Roam, and Notion
- VideoWhat is Tana? with Santi Younger
In this Video, Tana Ambassador Santi does a deep dive on Tana features, and compares what it can do relative to other tools.