- Video100 Tana Tips
Marc Koenig and Andrea Grasso here with the ultimate rapid-fire coverage of all the basic features of Tana and more! The video is great for people who are just beginning their Tana journey. It provides over 100 tips delivered in 46 minutes on how to use all the basic features such how to create, edit, and organize nodes efficiently using keyboard shortcuts and mouse actions. this is part of an initiative from Marc and Andrea called App Notes – with the ambition to create the ultimate set of Tana resources, for those who are using Tana to run a business or generate serious creative work – learn more here- https://appnotes.pro/
- VideoCortext Futura's Getting started with Tana video
An excellent introduction to getting value from Tana quickly from one of the original Tana ambassadors.
- ArticleIntro to the outline editor in Tana
The outline editor is deceivingly simple. At first glance, it looks like any bullet point list — and in some ways it is: each item is a standalone bullet point, and you can indent items under each other to create a hierarchy. That's also where the similarities end. We promise that once you get the hang of it, you will not want to go back.
- ArticleIntro to supertags, search nodes and views in Tana
Get familiar with creating supertags, searches, where to put them, and how views can change the way you see everything.
- ArticleStarter Guide: Tasks
Set up a simple workflow that will cover the basics of core features like Supertags, Fields, and Search nodes.
- GuideCommunity resources: Tana for Beginners (2024)
Tana has changed a lot since a year ago. Browse beginners content created by our community that show Tana in its most recent form.