Note-taking with Winston Teng

WT: The reason why I've structured it this way is because I like to work with material from a bottom-up approach (raw material > claim > thread / synthesis).
My current workflow is to first create some notes or highlights from raw material (e.g. books, articles, videos, transcripts etc), which has a #content tag. I then add #ref to parts that I want to create a Claim for, tagged as #claim under a Claims field. The next part is where I want to insert the claim directly into what I call a Thread - which is part of a bigger work. This gives me a pipeline from tagging a node with #ref > which opens up a #claim > which opens up a #thread > and then I synergise each claim with other existing claims.
The reason why I've structured it this way is because I like to work with material from a bottom-up approach (raw material > claim > thread / synthesis). Also I'd like to be able to clearly distinguish what information written within a thread/synthesis node is contributed by which claim. The context is really crucial.
Winston is a physician from Singapore who obsesses over music, coding, PKM and videography in his free time. He is also a Toastmasters speaker, bestselling ghost-writer, and a freelance copywriter. You can reach him via our Slack community or Twitter
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